
I feel like this argument is a deflection. Everything in it is correct- however, Viacom didn’t (or at lease didn’t say) they fired him because of the anti-white shit. It was because of the antisemitism. And that isn’t just words, that’s stuff that actively hurts and provokes violence against Jewish people.

Press X to “put on a fucking mask!”

At this rate we’re definitely getting a real assassin’s creed japan from ubisoft... and some time in the far future when 2020 is old history, an assassin’s creed Florida with a karen DLC.

Yeah. I mean, besides:

Ms. Annie Oakley didn’t experience anything like this...this is true ethnic intimidation. Bottom-feeding lawyer needs to STFU.

“ethnic intimidation” = “being non-white around someone who is terrified of everyone who is not white”. It’s like an agoraphobe trying to sue the outdoors for being there.

Jewish guy here, and I know you’re joking but you’ve hit on a crucial point - antisemitism gets a pass in a lot of circles because it’s perceived as punching up.

Maybe she needs to be replaced by someone who understands thatThe blacks” and “People” are the same thing.

If she hadn’t been carrying a gun, she wouldn’t have reached for a gun to solve a dispute. Guns don’t make anything better, they make people’s bad moments worse.

I am too, so I didn’t have any authority to nominate you in the first place.

I regret to inform you that I am Canadian.

Marvel movies: *don’t visualize Friday because it isn’t necessary*

Not to mention, being “the aggressor” doesn’t mean jack shit when you respond to words with a physical assault.

For the absolute dummies in the greys whom I happily dismiss, before you waste your time going “aLl tHe gUyS HaD To dO WaS NoT CoMmIt cRiMeS,” consider that those men had their charges dropped because of the police brutality. The cops let the bad guys get away because they couldn’t resist the opportunity to violate

I’ll avoid replying to the impersonating harasser that showed up in this thread, but just letting you know that he’s now on your literary doorstep.

Counterpoint: In the case of an actual emergency, this president is the last person you’d want to inform until it was absolutely necessary.

The definition of tex mex is regular mex covered in velveeta, so yes. 

Hardline food habits (not allergy-related)? In a restaurant?

This. Exactly this.

Yeah, I’m not convinced that he would know the association, or that he’s even involved with the campaign at this level, but it’s telling that Nazis seem to flock to his campaign and administration, and that’s on him.