
Someone should play 24/7 his own words:

See... that’s the kinda shit that screws children up. Why are some people so cruel? I’m a white guy and I hated all these white people who would say “I’m Irish American” or “I’m German American”... what are you? None of them or their parents spoke the language, if your friend’s family was from Ireland, you could tell.

Yeah, I also had to go back and rewind that. “Did she really say bitch?”

Everybody that I know bought the bundle when it was still only 750 games, and it’s only gotten to be a better value since then. When I went to purchase it my auto-fill entered $20 instead of the $5 minimum, and I wasn’t even mad nor did I bother to change it. It’s a great deal for a great cause.

Now playing

My memory isn’t spot on — but here it is:

Jesus Fucking Christ.

2020, screaming blood-red bridge? Checks out.

I saw a few links for STL files when I was finding this video - you could probably make the most terrifying car horn in the world if you hooked one of these up to an air-horn compressor.

If Hollywood has taught me anything, the next action movie will feature a monster/alien/meteor/tornado/huge mechanical robot that specifically targets the bridge because of the noise.

Please reply to this comment in about 10 years to let me know what I should choose to play from the bundle I just bought.

I like the one with the light novel type name.

I don’t know why anyone would expect the current Republican crew to suddenly get it. They got where they are by waving the confederate flag - the actual symbol of a slave-supported culture, legal and economic system, and social order. It worked last time and there’s still a chance it will work again for them. How long

Exactly.  In theory, anybody can make a fatal spur-of-the-moment decision.  But six damn minutes clearly hurting a helpless man *while people tell you to stop* is not just murder, it’s torture.  

Stewart: Alexa, make me sound less racist.

“According to Baker, Cameron’s office has told her the investigation is “nowhere near complete”—that they predict another two to three months before reaching its conclusion”

I think it’s because you haven’t seen the full video. I’ve seen tons of police brutality videos. Generally, they’re short and if they end in death it’s from a gun shot. This was different. It was long and slow and painful and my hands kept clenching into fists wanting to reach into the screen and stop it (never had a

I have felt like this was my struggle since I slapped a girl on the playground for saying the n word. She told a joke with the word in it - only other white people were there. It was small town North Dakota in 1986. She was surprised. I See anti-black racism as the original sin of American society. The white people I

For an entire day, they should turn every character black and have a constant one star police rating that never goes away.

If you have 10 bad cops out of 1000, but the other 990 close ranks to shield the 10 bad cops from criticism and consequence, you have 1000 bad cops.

Yeah, like maybe after 45 is replaced by 46.