
you don’t get to call yourself a TERF and pretend you have a nuanced view that isn’t hateful. the man’s a bully.

Two things to remember: suplex the train and always, ALWAYS wait for Shadow!

If she was white, would she be referred to as a “woman”?  She was only 16.  She was a girl.

I wonder if this was my wife’s old head teacher, as she also couldn’t carry out simple curricula even when spoon fed to her by the head of school and woked in Newton before “retiring.” Early education isn’t exactly rivaling rocket science for employees, but this woman took the cake.

I wish. 

It’s Florida. He was standing his ground, even though that ground was moving down I-95 at 75 mph.

Oh man, now I gotta watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It’s been way too long.

I had the surreal experience of working directly on an IT project for one of Keanu’s side-businesses, which he ended up getting directly involved with.

My thoughts exactly. She could absolutely file a criminal complaint if he wasn’t a US Congressman and that sentence makes me want die.

There’s hidden ironic stupidity in the clip. In Attack on Titan the “good guys” are the ones with swords but they’re basically ultra nationalist hyper racists. They have the ability to end all existence on a whim but have essentially forgotten how to do so. Also they’re completely technologically backwards.

Stop signs are optional if they have white borders.

It’s odd because why mention it now? They met years ago, got married years ago, and have a child. I’m married and have been for years, at no point have I ever felt like volunteering to people where we met. If people ask, sure. It’s weird to just throw in an “appreciation post” to his wife. He literally said “Find you

Oh, that wasn’t the gist of the post? Could have fooled me.

It’s kind of a boaring situation anyway.

Apologies to Shakira, but what the hell are you supposed to do in that situation? I'm not gonna fight a boar for a purse

Draggin’ dick

Well I for one do not, and I’ll die fighting from this hill. 

You should be ashamed for being a bore. 

dragyn, dick