John Brown's Body

Earlier this week, gossip blogs including this one were reporting...

The entire system needs to be broken down and then rebuilt, preferably by people that subscribe to my ideals

Absolutely. There’s no way this would be a story (on Jezebel at least) if she was a man.

I don’t get either of the two posts about Hayden. What is the point? Why is her personal life anyone’s business? Has she made news recently in a way that warrants all this scrutiny into her living arrangement? And who is she? Not being disparaging but I do not know...

How about you write a post about all the stuff current Deadspin editors have said? Homophobic remarks. Rape “jokes.” The current tennis “expert” over there once equating boob size to tennis success. Seriously - write about them. If you’re gonna go the “old tweets/old comments/old texts” direction, then clear the

Wow just started reading it. What it really needs is on each point the preface, “Wouldn’t it be great if..”

Mmmm I hope everyone calling her a bad mom or saying they “don’t understand how she could stand being without her daughter” yesterday are eating their nosy-ass, uninformed words.

the legislative fillibuster needs to be destroyed the next time the democrats hold both houses and the White House”
Because you think the next time the Dems hold that it will be forever? 

“A reason” and “a role in” are words to look for in a survey when you want to show it was designed to inflate findings.

This has gone to far, this is not blackface and not even close. It’s a sweater that covers half your face (I am well aware that my post will most likely not be posted since I am amazed and in disagreement at the outrage over this sweater!)

It’s like the Rapture for evangelicals, but for people who think they are smarter than everyone else.

The reality is, most people will not read it, they will just blindly believe the media headlines that this is an amazing idea and give AOC more undeserved props. We are living in crazy times.

I was actually really excited about this—I figured there was a reason so many folks signed on. But this sounds fucking insane, and I can’t believe more folks aren’t pointing out just how unfeasible most of this is—they literally want to retrofit every single damn building in the entire country in ten years!!!!! 

Hey but she clapped sarcastically at trump so she’s a superhero right?

Put out a pie in the sky outline with less detail than her skincare routine and when “centrist” (AKA EVIL) dems criticize its feasibility she can accuse them of not caring about the environment/being beholden to corporate donors, maintain her fighter cred and get a slew of articles about how revolutionary she is and

I volunteer to follow AOC around with water jugs demanding she turn 5em to wine. It’s the least she could do, since she regularly does nothing. 

I’m deeply confused by this whole “planetary acopalypse” thing. Has even a single one of those “doom is coming” reports even come remotely true? Because I haven’t really seen shit. 

The funny thing is she’s never done anything in life to deserve this worship. At least Christ turned water in to wine and healed some lepers. 

If you look at a monkey and see Black people then you are the racist.

But who can save us from a PLANETARY APOCALYPSE (ZOMG!!) except for the chosen one?!?