Kind of the whole modern day blog and media business model, is it not?
Kind of the whole modern day blog and media business model, is it not?
Honestly, you need to stop. There is no objective standard on what is dark skinned and what isn’t.
This whole article is retarded. How is correctly pointing out that hispanic women make less money than black women anti-black? Is it anti-white to say that black women make less than white women? I really don’t get how it is productive to drag a “WOC” for attempting to include her own experiences as a member of a margi…
This whole clusterfuck of a piece and the numerous articles at The Root are so lacking in any understanding of what would settle this (from the gap perspective.) Everyone of the pieces references Vegara or some irrelevant statistic about normal pay disparities. The rest is people just reading into comments however…
you really don’t get it. when you divide people, you hurt our cause as a whole. this entire article is shaming a Latina for speaking up for herself. Shame on you.
Do you have any data to relevant to the entertainment industry to show that she’s wrong? Because the only actual data you’ve provided shows that she’s right. Latina women are paid less on average than black women.
Okay, to be honest, the evidence used in this reporting continues to confuse the hell out of me. The twitter link this article provides to argue that Rodriguez is wrong about her claims about Latin actresses does not actually prove anything of the sort. It actually just theorizes that her claim is based on a…
Wait, are you saying Amazon should have mandated fitness and wellness checkups?
Every time Splinter/Gawker doubles-down on this, you just make yourselves look even dumber than you previously had. Please do keep it up, though, you’re helping Trump get re-elected far more than you will ever know.
Don’t kid yourself - people have been abusing the totally helpless in this way since waaaaay before Trump.
So what were their actions?
Ok. Your claim is essentially that “MAGA represents a racist ideology.” And you know what, I can’t really argue with that — maybe it’s true. I think there’s a lot of nuance there, but certainly for some MAGA supporters, there is a racist meaning behind it, so it’s at least true in part. Do you think the kids know…
I actually think the first to get doxxed was a wholly uninvolved other kid who just happens to look like Sandmann.
Are you really so myopic that you don’t realize the hypocrisies in what you wrote? The first person to get doxxed was this kid. These kids had a stranger walk up to them banging a drum and chanting, while conducting their own chants. They didn’t show hate or malice or anything like that. Your Pavlovian response to the…
So this kid deserves to be doxxed and harassed for standing there with a weird smile on his face, because he was wearing a MAGA hat he must have deserved it. I thought blaming a victim because of the clothing that they were wearing was wrong? But now you’re saying that an article of clothing itself can actually be…
I still see a huge group of like 100 kids who could have walked away at any moment
Did the writer of this article not see the television interview with the Native American drummer in question, where he explicitly states that the kids were harassed?
No clue why this is on Deadspin, but okay...
This is Laura’s attempt at gaslighting, pure and simple. The extended video shows that Phillips lied repeatedly in his version of events. The kids were minding their own business when the Black Israelites started harassing them. They started chanting to drown it out. Phillips saw the interaction, MISTAKENLY ASSUMED…
“you will see what you want to see here, if you are determined to do so”