John Brown's Body

So I mean if you going to make fun of his texts, can we see yours?

This is all very interesting and newsworthy, but wouldn’t it be more sensible for you to release the gay sextape of some litigious billionaire?

Don’t you feel a bit dirty, Megan, putting this all online? I know it is Jezebel, but still, yuck... Are getting hits for your posts that important, because let’s be honest if these were my texts you would not give a crap, if it was another married man you would not give a damn because nobody would care. Put the name

Wow “dirty” just about includes everything for you, doesn’t it, you fucking prude?

WOW how unproductive is it for this site to be publishing people’s texts?! I’m not even a Bezos “supporter” if it can be called that, but sheesh. This is ridiculous - I understand that it’s more about the fact that people will click on the article and therefore a reflection of our society but Jezebel should take a

Nothing bad in those texts (they are not sexts in the least) at all. Grow the fuck up and stop hating, sniping and demeaning. It should be beneath you.

seriously, no one needs to see these

Dear god you people are social vampires.

HamNo gets to complain either way, so it’s fine by him. 

Kevin Hart is a SIMP! He doesn’t have to apologize, re-apologize.. and then validate his “apology” for anything he said or didn’t say. Everyone who is lambasting this dude needs to get an effing grip and MYOB!

I used the word faggot once in 1986. Internet please crucify me, cut my balls off, leave me homeless penniless and ridiculed publicly!!!

If the Ford Foundation moved its headquarters to the south bronx you would just complain about gentrification.

If I have to rail against inequality from a cubicle and a 750 square foot apartment, everyone should have to.  HamNo’s socialism at its finest.  Rather than complain, maybe find out if they are hiring.

Just wait til Libby tells you how sexist you are. 

She’s already compromised herself by refusing to give up her paycheck like she was calling all congress people to do before she was sworn in. She got her taste of that sweet 180k and decided that was a terrible idea. Of course, splinter will never cover that. I can’t wait til the next article hits after she rips a

Manufactured crisis? Why fund ICE at all? You’re so blind it’s overwhelming.

You are still going to hate her when she’s old, though. Right? Because, like, Olds suck?

“He’s fighting against almost every legal way people can enter this country, forcing them to become undocumented,” she told Maddow. “And then he’s trying to attack their undocumented status. It is systematic, it is wrong, and it is anti-American.”

Those children did not die in ICE custody they died in CBP custody. As tragic as it was (and as tragic as the next ones will be) it’s an important difference she should know. They’re different agencies. Defunded ICE would change nothing at the border.

Ya’ll are trying so hard with AOC, and then criticizing anyone who states the obvious about her.