John Brown's Body

Interesting how the narrative’s shifted on this thing since this was posted a few days ago. Must not’ve gotten enough sales through this site and link either.

Interesting how the narrative’s shifted on this thing since this was posted a few days ago. Must not’ve gotten

So he touched a consenting young woman...who cares. If she was 18, no one would care, but simpletons get triggered over 17 yrs and 11 months.

What’s with the “17" thing here? The age of consent in California is 18, but it’s lower (16 being the average, according to Wikipedia)  in pretty much every other state. So where was this shot? There are “Romeo and Juliet exceptions” so how old was Drake?

Therein lies the irony. Those places were attacked for being discriminatory by women. Thus, laws were created to oppose such practices. Now that they want to create the same thing, it’s all of a sudden a shock when they find out it’s not allowed.

But they shut down most men’s clubs because they were discriminatory. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

She’s advocating for a new outlook on how we want this society to function.

We’re all so seriously serious, it’s getting really serious.  Seriously.

Except that PAYGO stifles spending, which is a huge problem as any Keynesian economist will tell you.

Anderson Cooper asks Ocasio-Cortez about the Green New Deal in a tone that lands somewhere between incredulous and pitying.

The question of serious or not has to include some measure of looking at realistic outcomes.

Number of conservatives bothered by the AOC video:2

Whatever one’s thoughts on the severity of the issue, it is unassailable that its 100% her own damn fault that she had the DNA test done and published the results in such a manner. She deserves the backlash from it and she definitely deserves to have her fitness to run for president against trump questioned.

whos smarter and more articulate

I mean, a plan that requires something that’s politically impossible/unfeasible is no more possible than a plan that requires fairy dust.

However it is a fact that Russia interfered in the election and ran a campaign of disinformation.”

It really is. The right is way better at this game. See Elizabeth Warren.

I actually don’t think she is “driving conservatives completely out of their minds” at all. Conservatives are simply broadcasting her as an idiot. The more you hear of what she has to say helps people realize her true level of intelligence.  The strategy is to get her word out, let centrist dems hear the nonsense and

California considered single payer and dropped it because it was determined to be unworkable. “A legislative analysis found that California’s single-payer plan would cost $400 billion to implement, $200 billion of which would be new spending. Critics were quick to point out that this “hefty” price tag is twice the

But oh boy, is it going to make conservatives have a meltdown.

You people made her the face of your party. You people made her famous. Now you’re surprised that people are talking about her, when it was you who brought the attention to her in the first place.