John Brown's Body

Memba’ when Democrats loved Corey Booker? Memba’ when he was the second wokest black guy after Obama? Ah, good times. But that’s the problem playing the woke game. It never lasts. There is always someone more woke and more pure than you.

That Last Week show, MSNPC and NPCNN are like news’ versions of that 2000s movie Josie and the Pussycats: Brainwashed morons going around thinking their thoughts are their own.

Yeah, let’s make laws so all humorous speech had to be even/Steven. Who judges what is fair and unfair? Who determines when things are copasetic?

that is arrak bobama. He is a new guy we swear,

Of course its true. The far-left wing morons at Sphincter may think she’s the center, but that’s because they are on the far-left.

Not a chance.

CNN, MSNBC, SNL, Today Show, Last Week Tonight or whatever with that ugly Brit-dork and all the other shows are just software updates for NPCs.

I met a good lawyer once; quiet, kept to himself, didn’t disturb anyone.

Why would a blog about politics need to know such details. 

I genuinely can never keep track of whether the Democrats ran a centrist in 2016 or if they ran someone with the most left wing platform in party history and all of the racist and sexist Bernie Bros should just shut up and get in line. 

Corker declined to say whether or not a Democratic president would be better than a second Trump term.

damn, you’re an idiot.

Right. And I’m guessing your state has considerably more than 3 EC votes too. So in terms of raw power, you guys still rail the citizens of Wyoming literally by every metric except senators ... where they just achieve parity.

Freeze! Put down the facts and walk away from Sphincter right now!

Is there any possible world where we discuss the *policies* of the candidates in question rather than race, age, and gender?  This identity-politics thing is hurting the Democratic Party.

Ugh, god, you know? How dare these...

“Once in a generation orator?” Please. It’s not hard to find someone that talks to you like you’re an idiot five year old in a lilting cadence. 

Yes, but presidential elections aren’t like term papers. You can’t wait until the day before the election and then pull a caffeine fueled all-nighter.

Another absolutely insane idea from another insanely dumb commentator 

Your assertion that the ruling is ‘a decision that might kill millions of Americans’ seems baseless in my reading of your article. Are you able to provide a citation or source supporting your claim?