John Brown's Body

Somehow, the same things done by all presidents before is worse when done by Trump. Amazing huh?

This just in: all former presidents have cuddled up to Saudi Arabia despite their abhorrent institutional treatment of women and their undemocratic government.  But... this is worse, I guess?

Compelled speech, pure and simple.

It was the rejection of nationalism that led to our division today. Sure, too much nationalism can lead to reckless belligerence and conflict. Too little nationalism, however, leads to alienation and the destruction of civic values and duty. Look at the gleeful comments you see here every time something about the

When the publication criticizing a public figure for dangerous anti-journalism bias winds up making his argument for him, we all lose.

This is pathetically bad.

Anticipating anything approaching baseline journalistic standards here is like believing the “purge” was legitimately carried out to get rid of trolls, as opposed to salting the earth from which legitimate criticism of freshman-year-of-college writing practices was launched.

God, I hope you are NOT an NDU professor. Surely future flag officers and equivalents deserve professors who can write and punctuate complete sentences.

Why the fuck do you think he needs “redemption” from the likes of you? You write shit a hundred times more heinous than Hart’s homophobic tweets every day, and you do it for a living!

Progressives sure like to take jobs away from Black guys, don’t they?

And this is exactly what Steve carrell meant when he said this is why an office reboot will never work! Not today! 

I think you need a time out. Poor thing.

Lol wut

He said a shitty thing during a stand up routine a few years back. He apologized the first time he got called out. He doesn’t need to apologize again. He removed the tweets so as to demonstrate he no longer supports his previous thoughts and material. He is no longer hosting the Oscars. I’d say justice has been served

I’m sick of turning my internet on at the end of the day to find anywhere up to 12 Jennys giving me their hot take.... The last thing I need right now in this moment in history is to have to listen to women monologue about misogyny and how good men are against it but not in the right way.

Jewish identity is rooted in Judaism. How ironic that liberal and leftist Jews are so eager to separate ethnicity from ideology in the one case where a union of the two tends to lean conservative.

Saying that criticism of or action against Isreal makes you antisemitic is like saying that criticism of or action against the Republic of Ireland makes you anti-Catholic. A religion is not a country, not even a country that has theocratic leanings in that direction. And criticism, by itself, is not evidence of

Wow, it must be a cold day in hell because I am agreeing with the Hillary. She’s clearly learned a lesson from the election. No one other than far-left wing idiots thinks that open borders are a good idea. And I know they claim that’s not what they want, but it is. There has never been an immigrant, legal or illegal,

If Clinton’s defeat proved anything, it’s that you don’t beat racist, fear-stoking populism with cynical pragmatism or by fecklessly chasing some “middle ground” that slides further and further to the right the more you accommodate it. But it sure seems like it didn’t prove that to her!”

She is 100% correct. Regressive Leftists are literally creating powerful right wing movements with every single extremist, insane, authoritarian position they take. Turning Europe in the The Middle East Part Two was the fastest way possible to create a decades long right wing movements. The vast majority of people in

A million plus - mainly male - ‘refugees’ came into Europe. The people who would be affected the most by this, were the poor. Those people already using food banks and struggling to get by who saw the government handing out help to these people.