John Brown's Body

1. The fact that you even see it and think it’s goofy and corny for a white person to wear it, but you wouldn’t if a black person did, means race is just as much of an issue for you as the white people you critcize.

We don’t need a whole entity. That is just an invitation for disagreement. We need one, singular, unambiguous voice.

The irony is not lost on me that this article attacking people who are tired of political correctness is posted opposite the article basically crying sexism on Jeremy Corbyn because he called Theresa May a ‘stupid woman.’

But we already do know HamNo is a con artist...

Wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up first.

So you admit that you don’t know what the concerns are (who knows, they may be valid), but yet you call him an asshole for it.

So then... you obviously don’t know what is.

People of color don’t want shitty jobs writing for Splinter.

Nibble? They went full on Evander Holyfield with that bite.

So scientists have stopped doing all research on AIDS? Using tissue from aborted fetuses is the only thing they can do? They’ve all packed it up and gone home? That’s what you’re saying?

Nyet, comrade. The Democratic Party will never turn on their fearless leader AOC!

We on the right don’t have to turn the left against itself. The left has more than proven itself up to the task.

No, he didn’t ‘really!’ put a stop to HIV/AIDS research. That’s ridiculous. You can still do AIDS research. You just can’t use the tissue from aborted fetuses. It wasn’t specific to any single cure or disease or testing. But in order to create the most outrage, of course you spin it that it was AIDS research that was

Whatever you say man. Personally, I prefer Democrats refusing to accept the real reasons why they lose, because that keeps them losing.

There are 200+ countries in the world now. Do these people honestly think that God is sitting around picking out his favorites?

That Last Week show, MSNPC and NPCNN are like news’ versions of that 2000s movie Josie and the Pussycats: Brainwashed morons going around thinking their thoughts are their own.

Why is it such a shocker that he voted with Trump 80% of the time?

No. No. No. Vocal racism as a backlash against Obama is not the reason you got Trump. You got Trump because the exact same states that voted for him twice didn’t want Hilary.

I can answer that question for you: no, they can’t.

I felt bad until I remembered we still control 5/6 of the government.