
Screw this creepy trailer and the show it rode in on. I'd rather watch Mary Berry's new show.

Harrison Ford is taller than Alec Baldwin so I'm not sure what he's going on about..

I'd rather see Charlie Murphy (with Dave Chappelle)

it was always a glorified panini and grilled cheese maker in my house growing up (only took a couple attempts at meat to realize it wasn't good at that)

#TeamLouise 4ever đź’–

Maybe get a job to fund your own project?

Killing one's husband isn't the best way to make friends…

Not feeling this show (and I sat through 4 episodes before tapping out). I'm a big fan of Arnett when he's doing comedy but this isn't working for me. Between this and Love, I am over the bullshit emo shows where we follow unlikable slackers around LA as they make predictably poor choices and hit zero remarkable plot…

I quit this show a little over a year ago because it's so taxing to keep up with for very little payoff. Someday I'll get bored enough to go read a recap online somewhere, but I'm done watching. Good for them for earning lots of money, all the same.

It's good for what it is.

Write something that doesn't suck, maybe?

DVRs and torrents have ruined me for this kind of bullshit. Netflix gets my money regardless of how easily I can find the content elsewhere because they at least respect my binge-y need to get all the episodes NOW and not mess around with commercials. Hulu will never get my money.

I haven't cared about this awards show or anything on MTV since the 90s (aka when they last played music). We should just rebrand MTV as Teen Mom 24/7, so we can be done with the bogus awards shows.

Good for her. I might just read it.

well that's pretty stupid.

What a bunch of pricks.

If this means you do the right thing and save Jon Snow, sure. Go ahead. But don't jerk us around, HBO.

I require Abed to be in the mix, in order to fully be psyched about this. I don't care if it makes sense to whatever this show is about.

DMB sucks and Dave Matthews is one of the most obnoxious celebrities I've ever met. He has an ego the size of Texas. No thanks.

Good job. Pearl Jam is the best touring band around, and people should get in on it before they decide to tour a lot less.