
by 'kid', you mean guy in his 30's..? which is flattering, i suppose.

He should promise to have Patrick Stewart on RR as a regular guest, if he wants to kick this shit up a notch.

they should all ask for a refund. they just look like melted barbies.. no real resemblance to their stalkees.

I really like Rebel Wilson, and while sitting through 30mins a week of an awkward American accent wasn't her best work - it was still decent. I hope she gives it another go.

i still don't understand why this series was pimped out to middle school-aged girls for so many years. even at 12, i knew this shit was gross. (but many, many others apparently <3 incest)

blah. Californication's PR/payola machine burnt me out on RHCP … FOR LIFE. i can never enjoy them again. try again, Bruno Mars.

speaking as someone who worked for EA for a long time, I can say this CEO is far less lame than the last few. but i do think whatever Star Wars projects *may* be in the foreseeable future will likely turn out better than the stuff LucasArts worked on. that was not a well-run ship.

it did for people with taste in music.

from the shit on this guy's profile, i would not be surprised if he drugged her to get her to pass out on the couch.

the actress who played her is probably more badass than the one who plays Fi, in real life. (she was in the military before she started acting)

amen. she was so annoying.

the last thing i read (a couple months ago) sort of flushed out that the big drama at the moment is not having an attached studio yet. the original writers and actors are on board and a script exists, so in my mind that means it'll eventually be greenlit.

he was hot.

the other two are adopted and not his biological kids (one is his exwife's kid from another relationship and the other is his niece)

I have very little memory of the last film and am fully aware this next one won't be winning any awards - but I will watch it all the same. Johnny Depp is amusing, regardless of where he's peddling the goods.

I concur. I looked him up after a couple episodes on imdb. Apparently he's the most famous actor in Denmark and usually voted "most sexy" a la the Danish Brad Pitt. haha… Personally, I don't find him uber sexy, but I do think he's uber talented and a great fit for the role.

I will watch this show forever even though I disagree with much of it - but goddamnit they need to put Eric and Sookie together and keep it that way. I'm tired of this stupid dance.

origaudio headphones are super cheap, but that's ok because they are free to you.

Amen. QOTSA have rocked for years. They're just finally getting the press they've always deserved after the success of Them Crooked Vultures and the Bourdain stint, plus the new album is going to kick ass and everyone involved with it isn't exactly "samey" or whatever bullshit adjective is being thrown around. These

I think in the next week-ish, based on the last article I read from the shows creator. Even if it ends up canceled, there is interest from other networks on picking up Hannibal.