
Backwards compatibility? But then we couldn't re-sell you products you've purchased multiple times already.

Thought Clayface pissed in the pool and ruined it for everyone.

I believe you inserted the words "sports" unnecessarily. The Wii U is unnecessary to gaming. And I own one. I can't believe they'd allow this big a lull between releases - when is Pikmin coming out? "Spring?" If it makes a mid-April release (it was planned to be a launch title, mind you), that'll be a 6 month gap

I think you answered your own question. Consoles are 8 years old, so everyone wants to know about the new ones.

It'll be the Anthology version - I think that one's got some nasty load times. I know the PSN Chrono Trigger is a mess.

Final Fantasy VII-IX for $15? Tempting, if only for digital backups.

Nice! I can't wait for... 2022.

Doesn't adding new moves to interquels make it seem as though Kratos has forgotten things in the later games?

It seems every comment in a Sony article is about their fall from ubiquity or financial struggles. I own a 360, a Wii / U, and a PS3, and while I generally hate fanboying one console over another, I'm coming out of the closet -My PS3 far and away gave me the best experiences last-gen. It's not even close. The

I'm really curious to see what the hell they do (in KZ4) with the plot. *SPOILERS* All of Helghan was eco-nuked at the end of KZ3 so the Helghast will be even more mutated (or just all dead).

If you had a real pet dog, the boss'd be a mailman. Or a rustling bag.

Ni No Kuni is Satan's game. It's way too addictive, way too pretty, sounds much too good. It's absolutely killing my sleep schedule and social life. Avoid.

I wanna live in the parallel universe where Guillermo del Toro is making the sequels.

It's a slippery slope. If you need 5000 Tungsten to upgrade something, I'm guessing they'll severely restrict finding it. EA had a similar practice with Mass Effect 3's multiplayer packs. At least with the first and second Dead Space it was a one-time charge for better weapons.

Uncharted (all). That series is probably my favorite this-gen. Valkyria Chronicles is good, and it pops up quite a bit here, but I'd recommend X-Com over it if you can spare the extra $20 to pick up that turn-based strategy RPG over VC. Of course if you're buying the PS3 for Ni No Kuni you probably don't need anything

I sure wish they'd remove the pace-killing endgame Triforce hunt and replace it with the two dungeons they cut. Remaking the game pixel-for-pixel in HD without a ton of new surprises seems like an enormous waste, although if Ocarina of Time 3D is any indicator, it's exactly what they'll do.

Well when they remade Ocarina entirely they pretty much kept it pixel-for-pixel except for a Skyward Sword poster, the Master Quest from earlier releases, and a Boss Rush. Nintendo might confuse "reverence for the source material" with "lazy cash in." I'll bet you that unlike 99/100 HD remakes which are released

People didn't get that flooding 99.9 percent of inhabitable Hyrule counts as an apocalypse? Not all apocalypses are greybrown nightmares!

You could've just stopped with Wind Waker. Speaking of, I really hope Wind Waker's HD remake takes advantage of being built from the ground up. It's my favorite Zelda by a landslide, but there were supposed to be two dungeons in place of the end-game, pace-killing Triforce hunt, and I hope they add them back in to the

Nice, UPlay Unlocks.