You kinda spoiled it in the title there.
You kinda spoiled it in the title there.
It’d be swell if they added some decent hexes. Really cool environments, though.
Nine years to make and just one Kotaku article to get it issued a C&D.
Looks an awful lot like Dead Space to me.
An act of altruism, truly, not posting information that the weak-willed would cry about existing even though they’re electing to seek it out and read it.
Were it not for Yogg-Saron, there’d be very little reason to play decks that aren’t Zoo or Agro Shaman. Yogg fills an incredibly vital role; turning the bullshit tables on your opponent.
I went to a panel with the voice cast of this game and while hilariously entertaining for the personalities involved, everyone discussed this game so joylessly. “Acquisition of the IP” is not a good opener from the moderator.
An aside - seeing Nolan North and Alan Tudyk banter hilariously back and forth makes me…
Can’t imagine this was for puerile entertainment when he was defending his child. I get that you wuv kittiez tho.
Even if they drop support, won’t PSVR always support “Cinema Mode” for all PS4 games? It doesn’t seem too risky, and it’s a much lower barrier for entry than the Vive or Rift.
These are gorgeous; but I feel these would tickle my fancy more if instead of the inside-the-XYBA color-coordinated quartet of dots they just had the colors on the buttons.
Circle-Strafe: The Game!
My thoughts: He’s Jason Todd, and that stupid dentistry and dumb tattoos weren’t elective, they were torture. He drove Jason Todd mad, and he took up the mantle and killed the original Joker. We’ll have an uncredited cameo from Javier Bardem or someone worthwhile in Batman V Superman showing the origin. At least, I…
It has to be Jason Todd. Snyder’s already demonstrated that Lex is supplanted by his son, Lex Jr, and that the Robin costume was graffiti’d “Hahahaha.” It’s absurd to think of a capricious psychopath enduring dumb tattooing and dentristry, but as a torture method to Batman’s ward, it’s suddenly not so dumb.
They really, really need to fix the basic locomotion in the series. The hardest part of that game is getting your character to do what’s asked of her.
From the FAQ -
Will the Basic and Classic cards you update for the Year of the Kraken be disenchanted for full value?
The Last of Us’ flamethrower not making this list is criminal. It’s so outstanding it trivializes every encounter with Infected after it. Not to mention it’s retrieved right before the game’s emotional high point and has a “homemade” aesthetic that looks pretty rad. It’s exactly the kind of OP this list would…
I always figured Ashitaka’s curse consuming his arm was analogous for leprosy (or other flesh-eating contagion). It’s such an overt visual metaphor.
I read this post expecting at some point there’d be evidence that Linkle was “far more than just ‘Girl Link,’” but there was none.
Swap Curie and Valentine and Deacon with Piper and I agree entirely with that list.
Uh, spoilers probably, but The Minutemen are neutral and will agree with any other faction you support so really the choice is between 3.
Brotherhood of Steel are assholes.
The Institute are rabid assholes.
The Railroad are a little too goofy for my tastes, but definitely not assholes.
Choice seems a no-brainer.