I played X-COM all weekend, and when I beat it, I immediately began a new campaign. And were I not at work, I'd be playing it right now. Also, I've a sniper named Nick Brody. A truly great, incredibly difficult, slightly buggy experience.
I played X-COM all weekend, and when I beat it, I immediately began a new campaign. And were I not at work, I'd be playing it right now. Also, I've a sniper named Nick Brody. A truly great, incredibly difficult, slightly buggy experience.
I think I'm going to pick it up on Amazon while it's $45, so here's hoping I can part with some recruits.
I found every bone charm except one (I think I needed animal possession), all paintings save 2. Didn't find the person you're supposed to rendezvous with in the brothel, dispatched two enemies non-violently (via their plot "deaths").
*I'm sorry, I meant "two play sessions," not "two playthroughs."
I played it high-chaos, so it might've been quicker, but also on the highest difficulty, which ought to've offset that. Finished it in two playthroughs, 3.5 and 3.5.
Personal top 4 -
0/10 no picture
Oh, I'm totally aware it's an Eastern franchise. I just mean when you flesh out the character, she's ascribed more submissive, meek traits.
A constant harping on maternity and submissiveness to her ex-boyfriend. Circuitous monologues that convey zero meaning. And Ridley-induced panic attacks. (Drinks to forget).
This is kind of a racist statement, but I kind of feel like a lot of her becoming a timid waif is an underlying misogyny in Japanese culture. Like they asked, "Samus sees a robo-space pterodactyl. What does she do?" "Freeze up and cry!" "Samus sees the vast vacuum of space, what does she do?" "Pine poetically at it!"…
No matter how much damage Hollywood could've done to the IP, I highly doubt they'd've turned reserved, badass chick Samus Aran into a sniveling, servile wimp like Team Ninja did with Other M. I'm pretty sure the only research TN did for that title was YouTubing the speedy endings of Metroid games to see Samus in a…
Here's hoping the DLC even comes out on the Wii U.
Good luck with that theory.
I've never met a cat who didn't regularly hide all day, bite, scratch, eliminate outside of the litterbox (yet still indoors), bring in murdered ( / half-murdered) wildlife, or keep its owners awake yowling all night. And I've lived with several (girlfriends') cats. I just really don't see the appeal. I'd say they…
Yeah, he definitely dropped several notches in my book today as well.
Yeah, I'm also with you about generalizations, but there is definitely something off.
I don't know if you've ever played a videogame before if you think a plot point in this game seems "forced," "over the top," and "silly."
Well, hey, at least it was a Box of Rocks XL.
Careful... My iMac gets hot.
This is absurd... The reason I haven't bought Mr. Torgue's DLC is because of a lack of level cap. I appreciate the writing and all, but you couldn't even throw in like a level or two per DLC?