Another day, another disparaging Far Cry article.
Another day, another disparaging Far Cry article.
But the important thing, Kotaku, is whether or not the characters are exercising proper gun safety! I must know!
Yep. It's atrocious that our justice system is essentially cruel and unusual punishment. "Don't rob that bank or we'll send you into a cage to get raped."
I'm pretty GlaDOS and Stringer Bell could stop those monsters without giant robots, but whatever. Whoever wins... GlaDOS and Stringer Bell win.
Kirk - are you kidding me?
Over the next few months, "Rayman Legends, Lego City: Undercover, Pikmin 3 and Game & Wario." Remember when those were all launch titles and not launch window titles? If that'd stayed the case, pickings would be *really* slim until E3.
Calling it right now - Leisure Suit Larry GotY 2013, slightly edging out the new Assassin's Creed, which introduces a melee attack that only works on dead horses.
The first friend you encounter (Daisy?) is actually manipulating Earhardt. Remember how he keeps calling her Amelia (or something similar), mistaking her for a past loved one, which is how she gets him to allow the other survivors there.
Dumbest moves:
[Spoilers] Yeah, that rape thing isn't really explored with any of the characters, but I'm glad to see male victimization rather than having your raped girlfriend be motivation. Another unexplored element is the first-person knife fighting with which you dispatch most of your significant foes - and magically their…
Oh absolutely. And their oversaturation fits nicely with Jason losing himself in the drugs / madness of this surreal "Wonderland." I like to play the game and imagine the colors, experience points, and skill trees are entirely a product of his stressed psyche.
Thank you! Yeah, it may not sound like it, but I loved Far Cry 2 despite its shortcomings. It was the first open-world game I'd played where I got lost in it all. Mostly pyromania.
Far Cry 2 was an appropriation of Heart of Darkness, hampered as a game by bullet-sponge enemies, lame respawning gimmicks, arduous "fast travel," and constant malarial hindrance. Far Cry 3 is a not-so-subtle take on Alice in Wonderland - a prospectless Millenial finding his calling in a Day-Glo fantasyland where he…
I used different routers until one of them worked (using the different router I no longer had to manually adjust my settings)
The ugliest PS3 box since Arkham City: GotY? We've got a winner. (And yes, unfortunately, this is the version I'll be getting).
More powers, more weapons, more locations, more consequential endings...
Bioshock began as a multiplatform 360/PC release before, 8 months later, having the definitive version released for PS3 (new difficulty, trophies) with several still-to-this-day exclusive DLC's
Bioshock began as a multiplatform 360/PC release before, 10 months later, having the definitive version released for PS3 (new difficulty, trophies) with several still-to-this-day exclusive DLC's.
Bioshock began as a multiplatform 360/PC release before, 8 months later, having the definitive version released for PS3 (new difficulty, trophies) with several still-to-this-day exclusive DLC's.
Characters in roster who began as Xbox exclusives: 0.