
THQ is currently worth .5 of Curt Schilling's bad investments.

THQ is currently worth .5 Curt Schilling investments.

I think you can pretty much say, "If you don't like JRPG's, play Chrono Trigger. If you do like JRPG's, replay Chrono Trigger." God, I'd pay so much money for Square to release a game that was just memory erasure of Chrono Trigger and then a copy of Chrono Trigger.

Yeah, I'm a little disappointed. I had assumed the crash-landed Normany stayed put and begat its own line of civilization (maybe courtesy a newly enlivened EDI and newly machinized Joker), Stargazer included. Instead, they get there and just as quickly take off, so the crash means almost nothing, save the location for

Jaguar - When you want to get handjobs from women you barely know.

Now playing

No one's linked the Sony commercial from Crazy People yet? For shame.

I kind of laughed my balls off when he offers a woman assistance, then kills her, then eats a lunch of pills while stating "like all lunches in my life, it began with the death of a woman."

Okay, okay, but for real: is Super Mario Galaxy 2 based on Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise?

Valve continues to give Pixar a run for their money. That was great.

I meant the crappy revisitations to VII, not the subsequent Final Fantasies. I loved 9 a good deal.

I don't think you read my statement nor any replies.

I don't think you read my statement nor any replies.

"I hope there is a sightly way to attach an external hard drive."

Y'know what'd be great? A live-action, one-off Mask of the Phantasm remake. Try a new time period (Maybe the Gothic, Art-Deco fifties? The '80's? Gotham by Gaslight?) and new interpretations of the Joker and Batman without retelling any origin stories, and baby, you got a stew goin'.

If they remade VII, they would remove all of its charm. Having so little character detail emphasized the pantomime (and drama) of its SD (super-deformed and standard-definition) protagonists. Having no voice acting (and perhaps a less-than-ideal translation) required you to insert your own imagination into a lot of

You may need a NSFW label, both generally and considering image 2 has some koopa toe.

No future plans for Resistance, huh? You mean they're not announcing anything considering Resistance 3 came out 9 months ago and Burning Skies came out like 3 weeks ago? Yeah, that property's totally abandoned.

If NSMB2 has paid DLC, it's a sure bet that New Super Mario Bros U will, too. And they'd probably make more coins if there were a hard drive to store more content. For example, if the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut isn't included in the Wii U printing for some reason, that's going to be a 2GB download, already taking up a

...Are you calling me a gas giant?

Mr. Fahey, I appreciate your size comparison layout, but can you please relativize the 3DSXL next to some other things? Perhaps a footlong sub, a size 10 sneaker, a standard garden rake, a pug puppy? Thanks in advance.