Here's hoping it's a return to twitch and reflex like Melee. Brawl's not bad, but it's a little floaty. And that trip algorithm, ugh...
Here's hoping it's a return to twitch and reflex like Melee. Brawl's not bad, but it's a little floaty. And that trip algorithm, ugh...
But of course! We can't release Ni No Kuni, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Bioshock Infinite, Dead Space 3, The Last of Us, Dragon's Crown, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Tomb Raider, God of War: Ascension, Crysis 3, Metro: Last Light, or Splinter Cell: Blacklist during the busy fall season, and we don't want to release…
It's a pretty safe bet that its disappearance from the PS3 portends a launch release for PS4.
Hopefully this edition retains the Wii port's ability to skip through dialogue. I've played this game too many times to watch slow, unskippable Zelda text unfurl.
A visit to a demented amusement park?! Oh god, it's Nintendoland all over again.
Oh man, I love SRPG's and I'm a sucker for Pokemon, this seems like a really great pairing. The only reservation I have is Fire Emblem: Awakening, for a handheld whose library I actually want to expand.
Coins are the worst incentivizer ever to make me buy a Mario game, I will often avoid them rather than hammer out on that box. Although, to be fair, I'm also not a Mario speed-runner. Squirrel costumes, on the other hand...
Yeah, tell me about it. I hate how they flagrantly stole Gears' core mechanic of perspective and gravity shift. Gravity Rush also makes me sick.
Congratulations, Mike. What I've done to try to stay healthy is buy recumbent exercise bikes so I can be seated and work out while I play games - it's been about three years since I've started it, and I've gained quite a bit of muscle and lost quite a bit of weight. You'd be surprised how little you realize you're…
Weapons have been combined in this game (by the developer, you can't choose which two are paired). One example is the plasma cutter is combined with the pulse rifle. Secondary fire has been removed.
How are you alone? You fight, and interact with, the residents of the planet. Also, and I'm not phrasing this rhetorically, does the co-op partner appear in the single-player campaign? Like Nicole did in earlier games? Is he like a manifestation of Isaac's subconscious / some nefarious being's puppet?
So, an entirely different tone. A bromance with a(n imaginary?) friend, plenty of profanity, a world that loses any tension and fear because it's peopled with other colonists, doing battle with said colonists (with a cover system wheeeee), guns that share a universal ammo (and hybridize former weapons, losing their…
"5 million - number of copies EA is looking to sell of Dead Space 3 by bringing the franchise to a wider audience."
If I saw a homeless man eating a squirrel, I'd react the same way.
Uh, I'm sure absolutely no one thought it was a zombie. I'd have the exact same reaction if anyone, especially someone hobbled and sickly, came running toward me menacingly. Except my reaction would be followed by repeated blows to my accoster.
Is it just me, or is Activision putting all of its eggs in one basket? I should've known something was up when I read the announcement for Skylanders: Black Ops.
When I buy one of those white Vitas, this is being purchased immediately.
It's clearly Scott Pilgrim.
It is shocking how artless the NSMB aesthetic is.
The aesthetic of the NSMB franchise is so artless and generic (not the gameplay, however, which I enjoy) - the backgrounds look like something they stole off of someone's DeviantArt page. And don't get me started on "Yellow Toad" / "Blue Toad" third and fourth player.