Are you watching the “debate”?
Are you watching the “debate”?
F vodka. Raise my wine glass and look for eye contact for a cheers.
Your replies are so intellectual that I’m getting confused. Have a good one.
Wuht? Very good reply. You made me smile. Thank you. Is it misspelt?
Internet set a new world record.
Remember Timothy McVeigh?
There’s the perfect recipe in the US. I hope it doesn’t happen here.
Nobody wants to give Kobe the ball.
Really good comment!
If you get brain damage in a”whorehouse” you’re doing it wrong.
What’s on your mind?
You want the first question to be about how we ended up where we are? I prefer something like ”what now”? or “Any ideas”?
I’ll bet a first round pick against a pair or 1 dollar.
Have a good friday.
Seems petty now. Think of Paris.
Nous sommes unis.
Förlåt, I reread and don’t know where I got it from. Apologies and have a good one.
also socialist idealism