
"breathes fire"

A schooner is a sailboat, stupid head!

That was simultaneously a little disturbing and oddly arousing. I'm confused.

If the occasions where you curse your lack of a bottle opener arise so often that you need this case, I have some bad news for you.

#3: Wow. It's a schooner.

It looks decent — kind of like malt bread — but euphemistically, extruding a brown loaf from an orifice...

No, no, no. It's, "Quick, man! Cling tenaciously to my buttocks!"

Neat idea, but spendy if you want to build yourself anything useful, not to mention bloody heavy to ship. And the mix does look a little on the brittle side given how it seems to be wearing/breaking off on the corners. Although that would be good for a nice weathered look.

Can't say it's much of a problem for us lot in Canada. We only just got Netflix here last year, and streaming is the only option we have. Not that I mind, it's been great, especially on the iPad.

I guess you do have a point there. And I suppose since you have to get used to using gestures (swipes) to type anyway you could get used to which ones activate which letters at the same time. I still don't get how they do numbers, but I don't suppose it matters much at this point. :)

Close, but not exactly. It's kinda-sorta linearly like QWERTY if you stagger the letters horizontally but there are places where it jumps. It's still too damn hard to follow and I'd still be hunting and pecking on it. I realize each row doesn't have as many letters as the row above it, which would make the layout a

Like it or not, things get compared to other things, and the things other things get compared to are usually the thing that is currently the market leader. It so happens that the iPad is that thing, so you are inevitably going to get comparisons to the iPad — not just here, but everywhere. Sure, that reviewed tablet