
Also came to the same conclusion. I'm pushing 40, but even I grew up in the colour TV generation. I can't even think of a valid reason why I'd dream in black & white when I've never done so before. Maybe if I had a strange dream about living in Pleasantville or reenacting The Maltese Falcon or something.

Dvorak supposedly worked better too, but that didn't go anywhere. Everybody is used to QWERTY. I don't want to use a keyboard if the letters aren't where I expect them to be — even on a swipe-based keyboard like this. I'd be back to hunt and peck ... er, hunt and swipe I suppose.

This is certainly the first time I've seen a QWSRGY keyboard before. It will probably be the last, too. Make it standard QWERTY and we'll talk.

WebOS was always hosed. It is the also-ran in the smarphone OS market. If history has shown anything, it is that in any major consumer electronic category that has its own proprietary platform (mainly game consoles and operating systems) the market can only really sustain three main competitors. In the early days,

And you know what's funny about that comment? People over at Engadget say the exact same thing in reverse — that Engadget has a severe Apple bias. The reality is though, that it's your own confirmation bias at work. And the worst part isn't that you can't see it, it's that you make a conscious decision not to. Go

I'm not seeing what's new about this. I do that with ordinary in-ear buds anyway. Thread the cord up the back and around the top of the ear and into the canals. Works just fine, takes stress off the cord and reduces cord noise.

Seriously? Christ, this place is getting as bad as Engadget for Apple trolls.

Sorry, Apple trolls are strictly solo work.

True enough. In grade school all the schools I went to that had computers (once schols started getting outfitted with them) had either Commodore PETs or Apple ][es. The one exception was one school that had a lab full of incredibly obscure (even for the time) Unisys Icons, which as far as I could tell weren't used

I had that happen too at my supermarket for quite some time, and I guess it was a problem for the store too because they eventually put a decal strip on the floor that indicated where to line up for all of the machines in each lane.

I always use the self-checkout at my local supermarket. To start with, they work on a better form of the queue — that is, in my case, there are three self-checkouts per lane and you form one line to get to the first one that's freed up, instead of one line for one checkout. Most of the time you can get to one

It appears so. Also, the CombiTuck apparently changes your complexion to give you that highly sought-after sallow look.

It's about visibility. It's a lot easier to find the product you're looking for when it occupies more of your field of view. We don't read labels when we shop, we scan visually, matching colour, shape and size and only start to read when we've found something that looks like what we're after, and that's a lot easier

Um, pardon me, is this where I make a "macaque is big and hairy" joke?

I have altered your hair. Pray I do not alter it further.

Finally, a drink for people with limited neck mobility and tongues too weak to suck through a straw! Truly we are addressing those important niche markets who have been ignored for far too long. Yay, science!

Ugly cables hid inside uglier decoration. Brilliant. They'll be too busy remarking on your crap taste in come decor to notice your web of cords all over the place.

If my wife bought that for me, I'd buy her a mop and bucket. Hey, if you think I'm that much of a pig, you can clean the damn mess up. And get me a beer, the game's coming on.

Won't do much for the insect in the image. That's a crane fly. (They're harmless anyway)

Good tips except: Seasoning steaks with sea salt or kosher salt prior to cooking helps tenderize them. Crust in salt (as in, literally cover almost every inch) and leave to marinate for about an hour per inch of steak. It sounds counterintuitive, but A) It doesn't make the steak overly-salty, and B) it doesn't make