
The implication was made, however, in the statement, "Now.. who still believes voting isn't rigged?", that because the dude was able to hack into the system and retrieve voter registration info (which, by the by, is available to the public — just general info, not who you vote for, which is not linked to your

So, let me get this straight. Abhaxas thinks voting is rigged because he hacked into it, thus proving — somehow — that voting could be rigged. Is that about right? You know, when I was little, I once proved that the would would be consumed by fire when I lit a match and burned a paper bag to ashes. It hasn't

You know, it's colourful, but ... I don't know if I'd call it art. It seems like you painted it with just one stroke of a very broad brush. Mmmmno, sorry, I'm afraid the only gallery this belongs in is the Peanut.

Your confirmation bias is showing.

My first handle was DragonLord. Started using it in 1985, stopped in 1998 when the BBS scene died and I pretty much disappeared into the tubes of the Internet. (I was on the Internet long before that point, but I changed my nick when I sold my last 16-bit computer to go PC and stopped calling the small handful of

ZunePass costs a monthly fee. iCloud will be free, and iTunes songs can be purchased and downloaded (and presumably automatically synced to the cloud) OTA.

To address your specific question regarding whether I care about the individuals who were or could potentially be negatively impacted by Lulzy's actions, no, not on a personal level, though I do in the abstract. My conviction is a moral and ethical one about what they are doing and the way they are doing it. I

I hate to be that guy, but it's just another viral video from the company that's gotten pretty good at viral videos.

Butane comes out extremely cold, though. (Like, cold enough to cause frostbite) Wouldn't that make it hard to inflate the balloon without it cracking? On a related subject, one of the things I like to do to freak people out is spray out some butane slowly on a quarter so that it pools, then light it on fire. When

Meh. They weren't very effective in Canada, where they've also banned cigarette companies from using deceptive words like "light" or "ultra light" (now they have to use abstract words like "smooth" or "white" or whatever), and now the latest move is to hide cigarettes in drawers or behind closed cabinets as if seeing

I'm afraid Ogre's password has been compromised, too.


They cause mischief and mayhem without conscience or remorse and try to justify their actions with weak rationalizations. That's kind of textbook antisocial personality disorder at the very least.

Good. Sociopathic script kiddy ITGs who clearly need to learn the hard way that actions have consequences, and nobody is invisible for long. Over/under on the FBI raids?

A little far from /b/, aren't you?

Whether or not the victims of Lulzy's antics have or will suffer from it is irrelevant. Lulzy's actions could quite realistically have had — and may still have — very real world, very dire consequences, and those actions were performed without giving a single shit — or even a thought — about who it might effect and

You say "hater" like it's a bad thing.

That's pretty much it. LulzSec never specifically had a "50 day mission." They just had way too much heat on them, both from those they "hacked," the FBI and CIA, and the "real" hackers they pissed off, so they're trying to spin it into some kind of planned retirement that was all part of their grandiose plan.

Please tell me you didn't just cite a Cracked column as scientific theory.