
Is there a particular reason I need to have been personally effected by their bullshit to loathe what they do?

Translation: "We are dangerously close to getting our asses caught and thrown in prison for the rest of our natural lives so we're going to drop off the grid for a while and hope others take up the gauntlet. Later."

Jeez. Most of that looked like utter crap. Halos around some parts, relief effect in others, and wholly unnatural contrast throughout.

Granted — but the breaking point, what brings you there, and how you deal with it, are entirely subjective things. Right now I would imagine people's breaking points are especially high given the state of the economy. Risking ruination for the sake of a cause, however noble, is simply not an option for most people

Just as I said: You've avoided doing the right thing for fear of retaliation. So have I. So has pretty well everyone else at one point or another. Point being not everyone can or is willing to be as idealistic as you. Maybe they can't afford to lose their jobs because they're the sole breadwinner. Maybe there is

...and this is just one reason among thousands why LulzSec needs a little quality time with a few burly Arizona officers in a secluded cabin for a few days.

You speak of "the system" as if it is a single entity with a malignant tumor. "The system" is made up of people. Some of them may be corrupt — some almost certainly are. Most aren't. Don't paint everyone with the same damn brush. By such mindless reductivism you dehumanize "the system's" constituents, which is

It's easy making accusations without any data to back them up, isn't it? Conspiracy theorists think so too.

That's a poor analogy to make. They aren't lobbing hand grenades that risk splash damage to innocent civilians. They're dealing with copious amounts of digital information. They can absolutely be bit-level precise about who they target if only they were willing to put the time and effort into doing so and err on

Blaming the victim is poor form. If someone is toeing the party line because they are afraid they'll lose their job if they don't, you should be directing your ire at those who fostered that environment of fear, not the victims of it. Don't tell me you've never avoided doing the right thing for fear of retaliation.

Just because some precincts may not have the kind of oversight they need doesn't mean they all do. Painting everyone with the same brush is easy. It's also hopelessly ignorant and lazy. I've seen bad cops, too. I've also seen good ones. I condemn the bad ones and I praise the good ones and am thankful they do the

To look in a phone book, you need names, and it's unlikely you'd easily be able to get a complete roster of all the cops in AZ. LulzSec has made it trivial to find the names, addresses, phone numbers and other personal details of every cop in the state — or at least a lot of them, anyway. So if a psycho was so

Meh. Fossil did a trio of retro Atari-themed video game watches that were actually animated (but sadly not playable) on LCD screens back in 2005. I had the Centipede watch (but with the metal band); they also had Asteroids and Breakout. Unfortunately the LCD died on me a couple of years after I bought it despite a

Once again, they are carpet bombing. They aren't providing just the personal details and correspondences of demonstrably corrupt and racist, but everyone in Arizona law enforcement. Which means once again, innocents are getting caught in their bullshit. Not that their methods are excusable in any context, but that

Switch to electronic cigarettes. You'll never even want a cigarette again. I've been off 'em 10 months, vaping my E-cig daily and loving it. One of the best purchases I ever made.

Jesus Bootylicious Christ. This is just getting stupid. Although you know what? I hope this "l33t" kiddie duo DO manage to expose LulzSec and that they do have their real info. Let the hackers do everyone else a favour and destroy each other.

I live right near a sizeable import supermarket, largely Asian stuff. I love going there. They have an entire aisle dedicated specifically to ramen of all types and brands, many of which have no English on the packaging. I've tried a number of them. Some are pretty good. Some are horrible. A very few are

That right there is part of the core problem here: Whether or not LulzSec/Anonmous are composed mostly of 14-year-old script kiddies is irrelevant. The fact is, that don't have a goddamn plan. They're like an unlikely, ragtag band of shit disturbers who manage to take over their small town through fear and

This is not an indication of corruption. Just stupid policies that have been widening the gap between the rich and poor for the past couple of decades. I'm not saying corruption isn't present here, it just isn't even remotely the whole story. It also isn't even remotely as bad as it is in many other places.

Ideas aren't worth the photons they're printed on if the ideals they're about are chronically flawed. They aren't railing against tyranny — they do not know tyranny. North America isn't run by tyrants. Plenty of scummy, corrupt politicians, sure — go right the hell ahead and expose those. But they are employing