
"wizened" does not mean what you think it means (and in fact is funny in the context of this post's subject matter). You mean "wised."

If you think political corruption is even remotely worse in the US than anywhere else, you've never been anywhere else.

Fucking morons. The whole rank lot of them. This will NOT end well — for us or anyone else. This is just going to give fodder to governments for more control over the Internet in the name of national security to prevent exactly bullshit like this. They are going to create an explosion of the very thing they seek

I'm all for it for the same reasons — I had a grandmother suffer the effects of Alzheimers and saw how, near the end, the world around her just seemed to cease to exist. It would be cool if they could eventually reach the point where they could just download a backup of the brain, put it on a few chips, then implant

@Giggity: I prefer iCab Mobile. Works just as well. Not that I read the NYP.

Security my gleaming white ass. Nothing is secure with enough perseverance on the part of the hacker. Nothing. Is that an open invitation for every hacker to expose every security flaw? No. Doing so only makes you a suppurating pustule on the ass crack of humanity. To one degree or another the entire world

I honestly can't say I'm surprised. I've made this comparison many times before, but Apple trudged resolutely down the same path Palm did. About the only mistake they didn't make was splitting off BlackBerry OS into its own separate division and then selling it off. RIM is spiralling down the same drain Palm did a

Meh, that sort of stuff goes on with just about every big retailer — whitewashing language, buzz words, etc. I've spent enough time in retail to find this neither surprising nor newsworthy — just business as usual. Granted, not everywhere has an explicit "no trash talking" policy but it's usually implied — although

WorldNet Daily, probably.

So, the story so far: Emo script kiddy outcasts from the Internet's infected taint have turned their attentions back to the taint that gave birth to them to get revenge for being ousted — which has probably been their intention all along, and they just needed to gain some high profile notoriety so people would pay

Once again you are choosing an analogy that is completely specious. For starters, that would be theft because they offered you one mint as a courtesy, not a whole box. Quite aside from that, software companies aren't offering complimentary after dinner mints - that is, free copies. If said restaurant charged for

Exactly. This is actually a really simple yet awesome feature, and makes it much easier to take steady shots. Plus, you can easily take pics of objects you're holding with both hands by secreting the inline remote behind the object and clicking it when needed.

This is a bullshit, fallacious argument made by those who want to justify theft. Making a copy of that which costs money, but for which you did not pay and do not already own, is stealing. Full stop. It is a product. It costs money to own. You copy it, you are taking it without paying. Just because a thing can

I completely agree that the patent system is in desperate need of a complete and serious overhaul. It's outdated and too many people have been gaming the sweet and crunchy hell out of it because it can be exceptionally profitable — if you're willing to be a massive throbbing dick.

Every company is in the business of trying to drive out their competition with their products or services. It's what companies do: Try and make it to the #1 spot in the markets they have products in. You don't do that by asking nicely. You do it by being ruthless. If you hate Apple for this reason, you hate every

@buckleyneko: The difference, importantly, is that Apple makes things. They might come up with a ton of patents they don't end up using for one reason or another (didn't work out so well; too klunky; too complicated; whatever, but better to patent first and assess viability later), but those patents are always

Animated image of SN 1987a taken between 1994 and 2003, to give you an idea of how much it changes over 9 years.

I can't even think of an appropriate and played out Yakov Smirnov joke for this. I can't even explain it away with vodka. All I can say is that they must make the crack strong over there.

"Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum" ... von Hautkopft of Ulm.