
Mooooooove over, Latin, now there's something meatier!

So in 2006 they give their new console a pronoun for a name. Now they've given it two pronouns. Can we assume then that the next Nintendo console will be named "Wii U ii?"

You know, for $230 you'd think they could pony up some spring hinges.

Much ado about nothing. Find me even the most talkative teen whose brain has become the slightest bit carbonated from cell phone radiation. Plus, studies have shown that we text a lot more than we talk, so even if this wasn't just FUD, it's largely moot anyway.

Bullshit. If they really wanted to teach a lesson they could just prove they had the information, not release it to the entire goddamn world. By doing that they went from "teaching a lesson" to "being raging assholes." Yes, yes, we all know Sony are giant douchebags who don't give a turgid shit about your security.

Dear Lodsys,

@SkipErnst: It's kind of like a high resolution X-ray or sonogram, but using near-IR light instead of radiation or sound.

Cell phones cause cancer.

No, you don't need the government to protect you from yourself. You need the government to protect other people from you.

This is good news ... for zombies.

The Norks are total isolationists though. They barely have electricity outside of Pyongyang, and they don't have access to the Internet at all. Their TV and radio is all state-controlled, and there are no books but the ones Kim Jong-Il himself wrote (or had written for him, anyway). It's easy to be a crazy dictator

Silly little rich folk lawsuit aside, I have always wondered: Just what the hell do lawyers put in 200+ page depositions, anyway? It's a freaking tree-blocking-someone's-view lawsuit, which is just a step below my-neighbour-plays-his-music-too-loud. Just how much legalese do you have to pad that with to write a

That statement works both ways. The government that does not bend to the will of its people gets broken in the revolution.

Sorry, you are correct — getting my facts confused in my advancing age. It was cool when the Shah was in power. It was the whole revolution and the return of the Ayatollah that screwed thing up. Either way though it just bugs me to see a nation frozen in time because the government is resistant to change.

Iran used to be cool 'til the Shah came around and frumped everything up. The thing that truly gets me is that those in power who try and enforce these changes by hook or by crook never seem to realize, even when object lessons are right in front of their face, that it always, always ends up having the opposite

That was so forced it gave me hemorrhoids.

@gravityhomer: On a technical level, this is the difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ferrous means "containing iron." (It's where we get the periodic table symbol FE from) Iron is magnetic. Anything that contains iron is magnetic. Aluminum does not contain iron.

Oh, I know it still exists even in big cities, but people are orders of magnitude less likely to be overt about it in big cities where social sensitivities are much more prevalent than in some unincorporated spit-bubble town ten miles south of Backhair, UT where half the town is related and none of them can spell what

Sorry, sounds like typical race card pulling to me. I seriously doubt Apple employees said that — and that's not about Apple, I doubt any store employee would do that right out in the open like that, but that much less so in a high profile store like Apple's flagship. Unless they can produce some hard evidence, I'm