
@Elliuotatar: I don't think there is any legal requirement — not in North America anyway, and not for video games. That's why the ESRB exists; it's a self-regulating body intended purely to determine and identify material that may be offensive and mark game boxes with this information. There's no legal age

@ImmaLion: Google isn't so great with search terms like "What is that rectangular black thing?"

@SilentWalker: Came here to post that. It's a pretty remarkable skill and I think it's awesome that both this kid and Kish have developed this to such fine precision that they can get on with their lives as if they had no handicap.

Bah. There goes that idea. Guess I'll stick to The Weather Channel.

No settings? Does that mean it won't let you select whether you want F or C? Looks nice, like the layout and gestures, but we don't use that Fahrenheit stuff in Canada. Too many calories.

Hang on a second here. What kind of blowtorch is this? It must be small and have some kind of integral ignition source, because I can't see a 3-year-old undoing the safety, turning on the gas, then flicking a sparker at it to get it to light. (Mind you I haven't even taken a look at blowtorches in ages so the image

I'm not sure I understand this. The study suggests a correlation between superior intelligence and larger-than-average SPL, as linked by the statement that those who had a larger SPL got higher test scores. Thus, the smarter are more easily distracted because they have a larger SPL. Conversely, those with an

@AngryBeaver: I have their second highest tier (25mbit) so I think my cap is something like 90gb or something. Still, we've been capped for years now. The only thing that surprises me is that it took this long for US providers to join in.

Nintendo assets are pretty well universally recognizable — Mario in particular — so yeah, I don't know why the reviewer even bothered to approve this despite everything. But I really see only two possibilities here:

It wouldn't have been a lawsuit. Standard procedure is to throw a cease & desist order at the developer and a takedown notice to Apple. If either failed to comply, then they can get litigious.

It has already been pulled.

@Trideramentium: They both have their place on my iPhone. The Venn diagram of songs each recognizes has considerable overlap, but also a lot of unique stuff one can recognize that the other can't. If I can't ID a song in one, I can often do it in the other.

@Darth Meow 504: As has been said, HD-res monitors are most common, but others are available. I have a 23" Dell SP2309W and run natively in 2048x1152 (16x9).

Somewhere, the last generation of typewriter repairmen, who have seen this day coming for years, quietly shed a tear into their mugs of Bud and reminisce over the simpler days, like when that myopic Mr. Slumbardy accidentally loaded his cat's tail into the rollers and had had to be rushed to the hospital to have his

RIM is now approximately where Palm was six years ago. With some differences of course, but many similarities as well, chief among them that their hardware and software — Playbook notwithstanding — is stagnating. The Playbook is RIM's Foleo, except that unlike Palm it actually has a shot in the market, even if it's

@Mark 2000: Trolls? In my Giz? Unpossible!

Okay, that's weird. Why, of all the nuke plants they could have chosen to pick a stat about living near, would they pick Fukushima? I mean, that's pretty random and a little freaky.