
He made that a couple of weeks ago, and included the average dose of someone near the Fukushima plant.

The wording looked so familiar that I immediately went to the citations at the bottom. Yep: xkcd.

@zzzaap: Film has the same limitation; you can only enlarge so far before the grain starts to really show. Better quality film will yield bigger enlargements, but you can still only so so far, just like digital.

Whatsamatta, /b/tards? Not much traffic over your bridge today so you have to go hunting?

@Franknbeans: You expected differently from /b/tards?

Interesting idea. My blog is pretty much text-only (short stories) so I'm not so sure how well it would present on the iPad, but it would be interesting to take a peek — once it gets out of beta, anyway. I'll probably test out whatever functionality it has right now though, just in case it does make a nice

@kratos76: Ditto. The tabs on top was constantly irritating me. I use ObjectDock and have a dropdown dock at the top, so I was constantly bumping that dock down if I overshot the tabs on top. Moving them back down puts things back to where they ought to be for me.

@fireman1: Additional to fireman1's suggestions, holding SHIFT appends .net and CTRL+SHIFT appends .org. I use this all the time.

@Bs Baldwin: Right-click on it. It still works to perform the same function, as it always did.

1200 and 2400 were available at the time I started, but modems that fast were still as much as $600(!). It wasn't until somewhere around 1987 that I bought my first 1200 baud modem for $100 — the cheapest available at the time. It was another year or two before I upgraded to 2400 for the sweet, sweet price of $130

@lostarchitect: Psh. You IBMers. I was BBSing on an 8-bit Atari in glorious ATASCII and watched animated ATASCII movies. Animated! With the cursor moving by itself and everything! At 300 baud!

Well give the damn ring back and you wouldn't have this problem.

@makegizgood: To other civilizations, _we_ are the aliens.

@aec007: To state otherwise implies that you aren't sharing the good stuff.

Must suck for the people that live at 111.

And thus was Larry Niven set for life.

Did he just call it "anky birds?"

Interesting for an eminently portable solution, but it looks like it needs somewhat exaggerated gestures to function, which may get tiresome. Latency may be an issue, too.

@Misfit7707: Saturn's rings are approximately 10 meters thick at their thinnest point, comprised almost entirely of water ice particles ranging in size from microscopic grains to 10m boulders.

"Geniusly?' It's "Ingeniously," genius.