
Finally, something to keep people's damn pants up!

@wjbean: Being that it's Roman, that would be Version II.I. (They had no zero, so incremental versions had to start at .1. Pre-release versions followed modern conventions, though went further: Version Alpha, Beta, Cappa, Delta, etc. It got pretty ridiculous with those anal sub-sub-version engineer wiseacres

Let me know when they find the upgraded version with the spork, then I'll be impressed.

Paging Ric Romero to the white courtesy phone...

Plastic = single use = fail. Make it a sheet of multi-purpose vinyl appliqués you can move and change as needed then maybe we'll talk.

@jaytee.foster: The march of technology. We have to get specific in ungainly ways which just makes jokes ungainly, sadly. I could have just called it a "big-screen TV" and the old fogeys like us would still get it I suppose. :)

I like the music. Unfortunately while Nevin seems to have released an earlier album, Rambler, under the CC license on archive.org, I can't find the album this is off of, Ivory Tea Kettle. Pity.

@Roach: So does Santa, but he tends to give something other than high cholesterol and a sheen of sadness on your tongue.

I don't get the fuss over the McRib. It's terrible, greasy processed pork covered in just enough sauce to fool you into thinking it's edible. Ick.

That was okay, but Christ, Michael Swaim is annoying.

Uh-oh. Someone broke into my house the other day and replaced my old-ass, broke-down PC with one that works. It smells like Dentu-Creme.

I've always wanted to live in a giant, stretched-out floor-model rear-projection TV.

@Go Vols!: You know it's probably someone like Uwe Boll. Because even crap directors of crap movies based on video games are richer than any of us will ever be.

A day — two at most — before these are used exclusively for porn.

A lot of it is just posturing, dick-waving and bids to mitigate infringements by one company by accusing infringements from the other. Motorola sues Apple for X and Y so Apple sues for Z, they'll argue, courts will decide which patent suits are valid, toss the rest, and eventually Apple and Motorola will either pay

@meatbag_pussrocket: He said "older sister" so yes, the implication is that he has a younger one, too.

@se7a7n7: Came here to make that comment. I'll leave it in your capable, normal-sized hands.

That's pretty cool. But it took about 2 minutes in that video. Given that it's sped up 16x, that means it took over half an hour to build that house. Not including the time it took to make the model in MLCAD.

Gene? Gene! Hey, Gene baby! When you gonna move up here, man? I've been waiting for years, man — like, decades, you know, but I haven't seen you. We were cool back in the 70s and we even had some good times in the 80s, but we kind of drifted apart. I miss you, man.

@AxelFonze: Yeah, I know all about the idiots. I've not only worked phone tech support, I've done PC tech as well, so I've both heard and seen the kind of idiocy people are capable of. But I also tried to use a little common sense when dealing with people and could usually tell when they actually know what they're