
I would kill for this. I absolutely hate calling those damned level one script drones. Even when I make a point of stressing as soon as I get someone that I've tried rebooting the computer, the modem, and the router and gone through all of those elementary steps and described the sequence in which the lights come

I've used Epicurious and love it. Great app with loads of recipes, and it's universal so it looks and functions even better on the iPad. Unfortunately most of the rest of the cooking apps lack iPad support, though there are still some really nice ones even so.

@Killjoy: They have those materials now? That's not so bad then. All the stuff I've seen has either been powder+epoxy or similar flexible plastic-type material that has a tendency to go rather soft under a hot sun.

@GitEm$teveDave: To be fair, hardtack is mummified the moment it comes out of the oven.

I'm too lazy to make up a joke about Google, a sheep, and a turkey, so I'll just leave the pieces here for someone else to assemble.

Um ... correct me if I'm wrong, but don't these 3D printers, which are designed for rapid prototyping, create 3D models made out of material that is, shall we say, less than up to snuff to withstand the rigors of a good frisbee match? But then I suppose if you've got that much disposable income to spend on a goddamn

And once again the lesson to be learned here is, don't believe everything you read, especially on the Internet where any Joe Putz can do a little basement junk science and spread his ignorance.

@zenpoet: He's referring to the network: Fox (faux — I know the pronunciation is different) News. Because it's rare that anything on that network counts as anything other than right-wing truther/teabagger/tinfoil porn.

@Alexander Moreau: Technically you don't even need the salt if the environment is warm and dry enough. Salt just wicks the moisture out, speeding the drying process. (That's why it's a good preservative; it takes moisture away from the flora that needs it to grow.) The key is whether or not moisture can evaporate

The Pope later went on to tell everyone to get the hell off his goddamn lawn.

FUD. And I mean the acronym, not the well-known Far Side cartoon. Leave any relatively dry material out and it will dry out. Not become moldy, dry out. Turn up the heat and stuff with more moisture will dry out before becoming moldy. This is not news. It's not even scary. It's absolutely normal. Make your own

Well, we already have an iPad... I guess an earPad was inevitable.

@trs: It reminded me a lot more of the video for Will Powers' "Adventures in Success", one of the first music videos to use computer animation.

This is not what happens when the GPS is wrong. This is what happens when the GPS is wrong and in use by an elbow-chewing moron. When it started taking him off the main road and into some sketchy territory, did he think it was doing him a favour finding him a shortcut because navigation devices are known to care

Of course, Kellogg's has since removed the word "sugar" from cereals whose name once bore it. Sugar Smacks, Sugar Corn Pops, Sugar Frosted Flakes, etc.

Sure, fine, that's all well and good, but does it work when the phone is wrapped in tinfoil? Does it work when _I'M_ wrapped in tinfoil? I want to know how many deadly radiation beam waves penetrate my head when I'm wrapped in tinfoil. And I want to know how many other people are in the area with radiation-emitting

@alexLmx6: I dick around with StreetView on my iPhone way more than I should. It's like being able to go for a drive when I'm bored at work. I can cruise my old haunts and see how little they've changed — or how much more dilapidated they've become. Man, there was one pool hall/arcade I used to frequent in the

I think that was a freaky coincidence.