
@karmakazenz1: Fake or not, you _do_ get a kind of high from oxygen deprivation. But like I said, it lasts mere seconds. A few of us tried it a few times as dumb teens one night and then got bored of it after a few tries. It worked, for whatever it was worth, it was just too much work for too little result — it was

Oh, damnit. I thought that said "Justin Bieber," got my hopes up.

This is a pointless battle. No matter who wins, everybody loses.

It's at times like this when I recall a rather apt quote from an apt source: The X-Files:

@versatilias: It would be up to the publisher, but yes, this ruling could easily be applied to games, too.

@vinod1978: The software industry has always complained about the second-hand market. They hate it. They believe it cuts into their sales when people don't have to buy a fresh copy and can instead turn to the used market. Yes, it will turn more people to piracy, or to people simply not buying at all.

You know, they've been trying this technology in consumer electronics since the Atari Mindlink way back in the 80s and the technology is barely any further along than it was back then, which is to say they didn't really work then and they still don't really work. They're almost, but not quite, as bad as those

Dude. That UI is way better than Metro! And it looks like they managed to sneak multitasking in there — as long as you have a second device to share CPU time. Sweet!

That right there is a clear case of whiskey dick.

It's amazing because its ink will cost less per ounce than gold? Amazing because you'll never have to buy new heads again because it licks itself clean after every print? Amazing because it will rape your wallet literally rather than figuratively? Oh! I know, it constantly and automatically replenishes its ink

I was interested in one of the top two until the lack of Android Market and apps. Without those they might as well still be running their proprietary OS for all the good it does. Fine, better browser, better UI ... but if you can't get the full Android experience out of it then what's the point?

Thoroughly unimpressed.

@dsnoir: Came here to post this. The Internet completely changed the way the world does more things than I think any other invention of the 20th century.

Hey, hold my beer and watch what I can do with AfterEffects!

Ah yes. The accessory for those who eat their chocolate bars with a knife and fork.

I discovered The Oatmeal about a month ago and loved it. Now it's in my Dicking Around at Work bookmark folder, which I conspicuously do not call Dicking Around at Work, because my work is not at home.


Soup's on!

@m_9: Sorry, our biggest supply of helium migrated to the US with Justin Beiber. (He's really 26, you know.) Although I suppose that could still be viewed as an act of aggression, so we're sorry about that.

"Here, Tom Selleck, down the hatch, come on. Hey, hey! None for you, Higgins! Trying to steal Tom Selleck's food."