
@Time Pilot AKA: I loved my Axim X50v. I installed a custom WinMo5, and then WinMo6 in that thing before finally giving it up. Most powerful PDA of its day. A little chunky even by standards of the day, but it was one of the rare beasts with a 3D accelerator in it. Good times...

@Myles Shannon: You can get the same thing by just going to www.pacraig.com

@BigManMalone: You know, I want to say that your post is one giant winking troll (I mean, "evil"? Seriously?), but trolls generally try not to spend more time baiting their lines than watching gleefully who they reel in, so I just have to assume this isn't a troll.

Heh, I do get a kick out of awkwardstockphotos.com (it's in my dicking-around-at-work bookmark folder) so this is like that brought to life. Didn't particularly creep me out, but it was definitely awkward and uncomfortable.

@AreWeThereYeti: That does not diminish the threat, however. It just makes it one the more ignorant of the hoi polloi are more likely to fall for. The threat is still there, and it's very real.

@Cooking Utensil: Sharp knees? Gym in 24 minutes? Maybe not your cuppa tea, but as for me, fist of an angry God and all that.

@Cintax: I'll admit that I rather liked what I saw in WebOS but _hated_ the Pre. It was a cute little device but the hardware was weak and still a step behind iOS and Android, who already had devices on the market that outstripped the Pre in raw power. I am once again reminded of how Palm's stagnation allowed

Do want. Need price. Credit card ready.

@Adam: Yes, Palm has somewhat redeemed itself; WebOS is pretty good and definitely the reinvention they needed to become relevant again, but were it not for HP saving their asses, Palm would be dead last right now and hemorrhaging money trying to recoup R&D costs of the new hardware and OS. Now, Palm did make some

RIM seems to be this decade's Palm. Palm was great — loved their PDAs through the first half decade of the century. But they stagnated. Their OS only saw incremental upgrades, as did the hardware.

Radio Alarm links to Concise Dice.

@JacaByte: Probably because if they didn't there would be at least 20 redneck tweeners try this at home. And video tape it and upload it to YouTube. And that's the last you'll ever hear of them.

@Nivenus: Both would have the slight problems of having a lovely climate roughly halfway towards absolute zero, as well as perpetually smelling of eggs and cat pee. Nothing MegaMaid can't handle, though...

@Barcard: Frankly that's not even worth considering until you can figure out that pesky wind and radiation problem. If you can figure out how to block solar wind and create an atmosphere that won't just get swept away into space, then increasing atmospheric pressure should be a breeze...

@Asha L Kydd: Well, it's been established that there is water-ice on Mars, but we don't know yet how much. Almost all of the surface water has sublimated and boiled off into space by now, but there's a high probability that there's still lots of it below the surface. If we can find it we can use it, but in an

@smegz: That's my impression. At best I could imagine enclosed, self-sustaining bio-domes with irrigation to bring up whatever water they can find on Mars around the poles, but I can't imagine any functional way to sustain an open atmosphere and provide UV protection. Mars can't even hold on to what little remains

@Mex: It's probably just a plugin.

Thing is though, Mars is geologically dead, or near enough. No magnetic field, no protection from solar wind. That puts a bit of a damper on the idea of terraforming Mars, doesn't it?

@Harman_M: Yeah, but what if they chip them? Then you're screwed unless someone can come up with a USB hack.