
It’s a really bizarre criticism that Thanos isn’t as grounded as Killmonger. Like, obviously he isn’t, but they did the absolute best job they could getting you to understand him and get his twisted logic. I saw another critic that said this didn’t have enough hand to hand punching fights as Winter Soldier. That’s not

Professional vs social frats is largely a distinction without a difference. Professional frats just have more specific academic focuses and their network is geared toward that, but largely everything else is more or less the same. Some professional frats are co-ed, others aren’t, but based on everything I know, they

A bit too much cleavage on display, but otherwise a really faithful recreation! The torn sleeves are a nice touch.


Kanye is a genius because he predicted his fall from grace. There are so many other Black people to uplift, nobody needs to waste their breath or energy on him any longer.

You’re not wrong about this being on the husband to correct and figure out but he’s not going to do that in the ether on his own. I’m trying to think what would be acceptable advice to you other than an ultimatum or divorce given how you seem to reject the whole partnership aspect of marriage.

Lol, so basically you are feeling kind of indignant about that one small sentence?

I hope she comes out of this OK. She certainly does not look 81 in the picture!

Want my opinion from personal experience of having known people like her? She probably doesn’t care. At some point she decided that being with this guy is as good as it gets. He knows enough about black culture to be able to relate to her and he still somehow gets attention so she doesn’t have to worry about him going

So here’s my tiny pleasure: Every morning I pour myself a cup of hot cocoa powder, add in a splash of milk (or any other similar liquid, dairy or non), and I don’t stir it. I get to watch the beautiful clumpy, grainy pattern swim through my cocoa, and don’t need to worry about how many days in a row I’ve used that

“That sure fucks up the narrative,” one tweet Don Jr. very much liked, from a writer at the right-wing outlet PJMedia, read.

the 5" Pixel/Pixel2 is too large for you?

See a monopoly has a specific definition and that’s not it. Do you believe Disney is a vertical or horizontal monopoly and why?

“But at the end of the day, Final Fantasy’s forays into co-opting Jungian metaphysics and noumenal vs. phenomenal worlds Germanic philosophy comes down to what feels like cursory reading of Western Phil 101.”

You know what will surely encourage corporations to donate more money to good causes? Shitting all over them when they donate money to good cause!

Yay, the first ever cosplay post where the cosplay is labelled. And lo and behold...it wasn’t Kotaku finally doing some basic labelling...it was the photographer taking pity on his viewers and watermarking the labels.

This is wildly inaccurate as to the law.

On the third, extra hand, fuck you.

Yeah, it doesn’t work well if there is a lot of noise. I almost always have my phone on me, so I use my phones Google assistant for voice control.

I’ve been having a weird issue recently where the command is recognized, it says it’s getting Harmony, it says it’s doing the command... but then nothing. I can tell from the light on the Harmony Hub that it’s not doing anything. I try again and then it works, although sometimes it takes a few tries. Not sure if it’s