It’s weird how you bring this up when absolutely nowhere does it mention crime it crime rates.
It’s weird how you bring this up when absolutely nowhere does it mention crime it crime rates.
Fuck you fuck you fuck you, I was stopped in North Brunswick on my way to a hospital in New Brunswick, because I had a goddamn phone mount on my windshield. I can’t deal with this shit
White people in a rush stay trying to pump their own gas though.
Is your back neutral? I think that would be another concern.
I only learned about blackface within the past 2 years, but I feel that I am an expert on who should be does to use it.
But this isn't true. Most Klingons were played by white people. It's quite easy to Google this. provide you the speed to Netflix's servers, while speed test provides you the speed to the closest speed test server. If you want the speed to netflix, I'm not sure how you find a more reliable source.
Is diversity in design the cousin of diversity of thought?
You mean Reddit lied to me?
I remember when my wife and I had a miscarriage (14 weeks), I was bawling my eyes out, and the woman there told me to toughen up and stop crying before she sent my wife home. Thank God my mother was there to check her.
Sorry everyone, this is the correct answer.
My God people, why are you starring this and making me relive a bad joke I made six years ago.
Nola has a lot of bad takes over the course of this series. I just took this as another one of those times.
Chromecast never send to work in my Pioneer VSX-LX103
Chromecast never send to work in my Pioneer VSX-LX103
Luckily for me both my kids enjoy reading and bathing.
I wonder how much chi she has.
I feel somewhat reassured in the fact that he was feeling pain prior to the lift. 250kg isn’t really that much weight.
Well, I’m already moving 405 squat, so there’s that. I'll look into RPE for myself!