
That’s kind of my point. While I get what you’re saying about sample sizes, a random 1000-person sample of people in Wyoming cannot be known to be truly as accurate as a random 1000-person sample of Americans, because restricting your sample by location makes it subject to geographical/cultural/etc. biases that you as

“A truly random 1,000-person sample of people in Wyoming is just as accurate as a truly random 1,000-person sample of people in the United States.”

“Zero” points are arbitrary and meaningless and there is no need to use them unless it improves the clarity of the graph. For instance, in your example, since the graph is only made to look at the increase in CO2 over a specific time span, referencing zero would be pointless.

The same can be said about USB A/B, QC was never in the USB spec. Though it is possible to make a future quick charge that is compatible with theUSB C spec if they use one of the Aux wires instead of the main power wire.

Allo would be my messenger of choice if it had proper SMS support.

Messenger (Google not Facebook). I’d love to use Allo, but not until they get the SMS thing sorted out.

A Latino theme party sounds very casually racist. I would be less offended by “South of the Border” or pick a specific locale. Latino... sounds like you’re using people as props.

-a latina

Yeah! Who cares about quantifiable data and expert analysis from people who do that sort of thing for a living. You’ve got a preexisting belief, and goddammit if anybody’s gonna make you change your mind!

Alternative Option:
Step 1: Buy collision insurance
Step 2: Drive car off cliff at conclusion of rental term.

My thoughts exactly. As someone who has driven in Asia, Europe and South and North America, Yanks are the worse when it comes to that “I have my lane fuck you” attitude. It’s hilarious reading these posts and people complaining about fast cars coming up behind them and then taking their sweet time to move over. In

I was in a situation last year where I was in the left lane passing traffic at probably 15 over the limit (which is pretty normal for the area, to be honest). The majority of the 2 left lanes of this 4 lane highway were going at least 5-15mph over the limit. I came up on a car in the far left lane going the speed

There are two types of people in the world: Right lane people and left lane people. If you’re a right lane person, just accept it. There’s no shame. Different strokes and all. The problem is when right lane people think they’re left lane people. Or worse, they think they’re highway vigilantes engaging in some

If I am in the act of passing and someone comes screaming up behind me I will use my turn signal to indicate that I see them and will move out of the way as soon as possible.

Although, if you’re in the left lane and someone manages to pass you on the right, that probably means it’s okay for you to move into the other lane...

Yeah, you are breaking the law. Saying that you aren’t won’t change the fact.

Actually, in many states you are breaking the law by driving in the left lane for a purpose other than passing. In many more you are breaking the law by not moving over for a faster vehicle coming up behind you, regardless as to whether you agree with their driving choices.

And I always wondered why so many Americans don’t understand this. I assumed left lane passing (driving faster) was a Canadian thing. I see many U.S. plates in the summer in Ontario Canada...New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, even Georgia and Florida, yet these fuckers drive the limit in the left lane and do

You do realize that if you just let them through, the situation would’t even register... Do you remember the last person to pass you on the left? Probably not... Do you remember the last person who got pissed and aggressive when you were a passive-aggressive a-hole about it? Probably and he probably does too.

Move to the right, and stop trying to justify your flaccid, passive-aggressive need to be the unofficial traffic cop who clogs up the left lane in a pathetic attempt to force others to abide by your interpretation of the rules of the road.