
I was in an eleven-day induced coma due to liver failure and brain swelling caused by an overdose. I was *this close* to being pronounced dead (my parents had made funeral preparations and notified family). Somehow, and despite doctors' prognosis, things began to turn around and I made it. This was Christmas 2010

The Amish are an interesting case. I actually have met several of them in the course of my theological studies and they are a fascinating bunch. They are, largely, not actually hostile to the "English" world - they just choose to remove themselves from it. But they overwhelmingly understand that the world is moving

The word "female," in its primary usage, is an adjective. When you use "female" as a noun, the subject that you're referring to is erased. The Ghostbusters story used "female" before "Ghostbusters", which is entirely proper.

Same. I get the "you are SO tan what is your secret?" "Being birthed from a brown lady" is usually my response.

Ugh, whooping cough!! You poor thing!

I am SHOCKED at the number of people saying "don't ask." As a recently-married person with my own substantial inheritance account, I say you should absolutely ask. Ask how much, what he wants to use it for, and if you guys should get a prenup (especially if you are uncomfortable because you don't want to be greedy

Every bit of your argument is complete and utter bullshit. If you're allergic to that many things, a restaurant is not a thing for you. But I'm guessing you're NOT allergic to that many things because let me tell you a tale, stranger friend:

in re: requested memo-

"Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted..."

She's not good, she's not nice, she's just right. She's the Witch.

No one twerks like Gaston.

Not for lazy sloths. For debatably fashionable princesses finishing a rebellion on the forest moon of Endor.

Unless it was necessary

I was nicely brought up in a comfortable family. I'd been in private homes with nice bathrooms or powder rooms but nothing that impressed me anymore than what my family home had.

Look, while I appreciate the need to update this movie, you can't just go around changing key elements! Brand me a racist if you want, but I'm just going to come out and say it:

The fact that the whole fucking point of the marches was for the Voting Rights Act legislation and then to know how it was basically torn down earlier this year is beyond depressing.

It's not just that she a supermodel; she is a groundbreaking supermodel and a super-intelligent woman with a sterling reputation for professionalism. There are thousands of models, a couple dozen supermodels, but very few of these women who can rightly be called icons, but Beverly is one without question. The love for

The thing about Johnson is she is fucking brilliant. I don't mean to imply that's surprising because she's a model at all but I remember being impressed by her analysis on the oppression of beauty the very first time I came across her.

you can always tell just how out of touch white liberals are with blacks when they say things like this.