Agreed, turning Logan into a small Victorian child should be #1 on the list.
Agreed, turning Logan into a small Victorian child should be #1 on the list.
It's a great line. I may have done the same thing.
Different paint screening colors/designs and even vinyl skin colors. If I remember correctly, [] and [] use the same head, and I think that's the one they used for Katniss. But it might also be a newer design I'm not familiar with (stopped collecting ages ago).
As a former Barbie collector, it's always interesting to see what head molds they use for character dolls. I'm pretty sure that's the Native American head from ten years ago or so (also used for the Vitamin C celebrity doll).
You mean like this?
I have the short/big butt/small waist curvy shape that a few other people have mentioned, and I've done pretty well jean-wise at Macy's in the petite department. DKNY Jeans hardly ever have the waist gap issues and some of the INC and Calvin Klein cuts fit really well for curvier types too. They usually run in the…
Phi Beta Kappa was actually the first organization to use the Greek letters, though. And I'm with you on never having heard of it until I was nominated. I actually threw my letter away and then had to scramble to find a way to accept once I found out it was a real thing.
And one of the worst things may be that Starfire and Catwoman were both specifically cited by DC as "iconic women characters" who appealed to female fans in their statement after the panels at SDCC.
There are around twelve dozen women comic creators involved in this anthology alone:
Actually, there is a pretty awesome Catwoman in the Imaginext line.