
Did they think issuing more shares would just magically create more shares at the current price?

Man, the bookkeeping at this place must be wild. How much money do you think they’re trying to quietly funnel out before it inevitably crashes? You don’t issue more public stock for a company in free-fall unless you have a yacht payment coming up.

40 slides for 5 products? What the hell?

IMO it does not make sense to buy an EV if you are planning to rely on a charging network for anything outside of the occasional longer trip. If it is your commuter car, you’d better have a 40Amp+ charger in your garage or dedicated parking space. Anything else and you’re better off with a PHEV, HEV, or just regular

“Lol. That’s all?” - Tavarish.

Bruh. That looks like a futuristic bar of soap. The Zonda as it is has no bad angles.

Counterpoint the Zonda is a damn fine looking car, and this Alisea just looks down right boring.

What is a tunneling microscope (cannot google) in layman words

new car’s rear seats don’t fold as flat as they did before.

Trouble is, at the end of the day this is still $35K (less any tax credits, but still) for a car of limited usefulness. It’s TWICE the price of an original gas base 500 - and in the sort of use case for this, those just aren’t going to use much gas. Even my 500 Abarth got 35+mpg unless I was driving it like a madman

There were originally around 2 million Jews in Palestine and most were forced out. This has been a war going back to 1000 BC. More relocated back after WW2 because of the outcome and needing a place to go but even during WW1 there was a movement by Britain with the Balfour Declaration, which promised a Jewish

Because the relatively long cooking times mean you lose more nutrients to evaporation.

Israel has gone overboard with this retaliation. So many innocent people are being killed. I don’t see how people continue to support them. I have Jewish friends who were mad and wanted the Hamas Militants to pay at first but enough is enough. Nobody seems to give a shit about the innocent now and it is just

Yes, all of the successive and derivative versions of Top Gear have failed to be anywhere near as entertaining or as interesting.

The brand isn’t as strong as the trio.

Not because of the spacetime ripples themselves. They are extremely small, with a length change in the size of an atomic nucleus relative to a ruler of Earth’s radius. Still, due to the expansion of the Universe, light and gravitational waves are stretched along their long way to us, which is a stronger effect.

No. If it was a LIGO detection, then they detected gravitational waves, which propagate at the speed of light, so the distance is pretty well certain. 

Why not just call your insurance company and let them deal with NASA? 

Don’t tempt Tavarish...

Sounds like they watched I, Robot a few times and thought “why not?”

It wasn’t an IPO. It was an acquisition of a private company by a public company. That’s what SPACs do to get around the work of doing an IPO and being restricted by it.