
Would have been amazing if they’d left it stock. 

If there’s any car that should never be turned into a DIY convertible, it’s an old Lotus. These things are made with the smallest amount of material they could possibly use while still keeping the chassis rigid enough to handle well. Nothing is an “optional” part - taking out the roof is going to massively compromise

Isn’t that the Caterpillar Genocide-9 that the Israelis use to demolish Palestinian homes for their land grab eminent domain program?

Local police in military uniforms is not a good look.

This is why you should always keep your seat belt on. I don’t even notice it, and in the off, off, off chance this happens, you’ll be real thankful you left it on.

Good. Let this be a lesson to everyone. Mind your own goddamn business. I’m sick of everyone hopped up on outrage trying to be the One Lone Ranger or whatever that shit is called. Mind your own goddamn business, and leave your guns at home in a locked cabinet.

Way too much money for a really nice car.

Buddies duramax.... sure pal

Let’s address the elephant in the room: it’s not a good-looking car.

From the menu description, I was expecting a cocktail with the Louis XIII blended in.

It’s perfectly reasonable to have an idea of what normal wear is for a given mileage. Plug wires, however, don’t show wear like that.  They just get grimy, and 40k miles under hood can get them just as filthy as 100k.

It was never all that good, people just finally figured it out. What probably happened is that they started making more stuff at home, either because of budget crunch, or got used to staying in more due to the pandemic and making their own Mexican food, and when they went back to Chipotle they realized, “What the

Everybody should probably have to work a customer-facing job at some point in their lives if only to know what it feels like being in that position. You can tell the people who never did because they’re the ones screaming at the people who are.

Used Tesla prices have already tanked in Germany. Where not too long ago, you would pay 30-35.000€ for a used Model S with higher mileage, you can now again get one for 20-25.000€.
This will go down further in the coming years, because this year the last ones with free supercharging are going out of warranty on their

Too bad it didn’t crash. Fuck Putin.

A late model car is not an investment vehicle, its value doesn’t go up and down and up and down.

Holding onto a depreciating item only works if you think the value will return...most people aren’t expecting a return to pandemic level used car prices, not to mention that Tesla keeps cutting the price of their cars, further devaluing the Tesla used car market.

Republicans would rather protect guns than children. It is undeniable.