
Is it not what we normally call Zombies like with some insect and mushroom^


I thought the Amazon was the longest river...

... !

That is not a moon !

For me the start was slow, then, I got hooked.

When will he sale is underwear?

So, no fraud? 118% makes it an 18% return. I get 4-5% for my money in a bank.

Pew Pew Pew, where are there, are we?

It is like putting lipstick on a pig

Expensive bottle opener...

If you are to bring a “dumb” phone, bring back the Razor.



Good play from the US. Now, beforehand, they knew Russia would vetoed this draft, now the US has an open road to put those nuclear weapons in space without any blame!

Pride Boys, Oath Keepers, etc. could afford it.

Only in the USA, perfect for January 2025.

Not surprising, more to come?

I *borrow* 10 shares from you at 10$. So I owe you 100$. Shares go down to 1$, then I gave those back to you at a cost of 10$. On paper only, I lost 90$ for fiscal deductions. This is my comprehension (not an expert).

snake oil salesman