

BMT with Italian bread is still the best

Why under space, because Israel sent a bunch of them on the Moon, crashing.

They are broke, waiting for being brought to court for zillions $ for being rescued

Time for me to rewatch for X times...

Seed Dutch white clover. It will take about 2 seasons to fully takeover, but the bees will like it and the weeds won’t.

Also try Cauliflower with a pinch of smoked paprika and a drop or two of olive oil... same temperature, same time.

How can they prove that (stealing data) ?

I agree. The advertisers should know that their message is understood in the first few seconds, so why make the ad 30 seconds long? The same for website, if you don’t grab the visitors attention in the first few seconds, he will jump out.

So, what is/was the name of his business...!?

Google/FB are afraid the Canadian law will be copied by the US, US being their biggest market. Furthermore, EC is thinking of doing the same.

Microsoft must be real happy. Bing for all!

Look at the US superior court for nutters.

Is Grubhu+ available in Canada? If so, in which cities?

That keyboard look strangely similar to the Commodore 64 one...

Meh, optography... 1880.

Or India, Saudis, etc

Best defense is the offense...

Last week, it was Montreal as the most polluted city in the World... So Canada did their part ;-)
