
In the video, both wheels points are at the bottom before him riding it

Better have those wheels on synch at the start!

The onboard generators (all 3 of them) must be kept running and maintained even if the boat is not at sea. Pipes circulating water must be kept cleaned, along with the water filters, etc, etc. Fuel is needed for those activities, and bot like that runs on a lot fuel (1 million $ to fill the tank)

F-82 Mustang with twin cockpit...

I am using a large Le Creuset, fill it up with thinly slice onions, add sugar AND about 1/4 cup of good olive oil. Mix thoroughly, and let it cook on low heat while mixing one and awhile until fully golden brown.

What I mean by cherry picking is you are selecting the only Twitter comments that fits your “editorial”.

Thomas, you really did cherry picking with your choice of slides. Low followers comments, and one sided view. That is just as bad as what those comments makes of WEF.

My neighbor is a bipolar, he act just like that. You can argue with him that the sky is blue but he will say it is green.

Tartare: usually the egg is previously mixed with olive oil, salt pepper and optionally with a hot sauce (according to taste of the client) to create a mayonnaise to be then added to the beef (filet mignon) which was chopped (not minced) with a knife. Cheap restaurants will add ketchup to get a more red color to the

I just ignore it. Taxi, yes, restaurants, yes, anything else is no with no guilty feeling.

He is a goat. LOL, anyway...

I used to take Melatonin to help me sleep, no more. It create issue in my digestive system (read something similar to a gastro).

I hope the clients choke on a chicken bones, well not really, just does who support Putin

In Japan, you value a sushi shop (or restaurant) by ordering the omelette.

Those should have been destroyed by the French. Champagne is French.

Justice Clarence Thomas...

Egyption “beer” was call zythum

Similar to all the Russians superyachts...