
Back to Magny-Cours?

Doing her first live news coverage for her homework?

I could you call a Corvette a good deal when you can’t buy them?

Am old!

A crate on wheel, a fast crate, but none of the less, a crate.

Yes, they should and bring back France and San Marino.

Human rights.

“vehicles sell like crap when they are crap” FIFY

Drop these:

“Concept”? Move on.

Reverse: Looks like Cruising USA...

Depends what you drive. With modern cars and all its electronics, a 10mm socket won’t be of any help. I do have an OBDII in the glove box...

Insurance and registration certificates.

Yup, sounds like a good idea

That is the point I was making. Producing H from coal would be an environment disaster and (probably) use energy resources that EC have to rely on since their Russian supplier (Gazprom) is cutting. Germany would like to make a deal with Canada for propane/natural gas but to set that up it will take years.

In Europe, no. Not gonna work (referencing to your ex. of how much diesel cost in Europe). Right now, in EC, because energy crisis (aka Ukraine), not about to happen any time soon. Both in North America, with the coming resources of Green hydrogen coming from hydroelectricity from Quebec and Newfoundland, that will

Yes, check those replacement bulbs!

One more option to charge you more.

If you can get one LOL.

1st gear: so VW evaluate Porsche as the equivalent of 75,000 car production?