Mina Bontempo

He's your arch-villain, the one who will sing "House of The Rising Sun" at your wedding and who will never leave you alone with that investment.

We need Scotty's POV, etc.
Funny that nobody gives a fuck about him and that nonetheless all revolves around him.

The discrepancies between the POVs make no sense.
Hard to believe they let Scotty on the stage, considering the fact that he seemed a little more than inebriated and potentially dangerous.

Yep, Allison is probably the criminal mastermind.

you're also right!

To compare a murderer and an adulterer is bizarre. Relationships and marriages develop over weeks, months and years and involve two persons who after some time might not get along. Such things, as you know, happen often.
That's why Noah's flaws are all too humane, in spite of that, there is a sense that he is portrayed

There is a difference between feeling uncomfortable and being traumatized for decades only because your mother calls her boyfriend "baby doll" on the phone. Baby Face Nielsen Ratings is not even speaking about Freud's dreaded primal scene. What part does education play, and other factors some much more important in

your thoughtlessness is amazing.

There are so many hang-ups in real life and codes that can be a little oppressive at times; one of the show's strengths then is that Nathan imagines devious, whimsical ways that hint at the possibility of a society that would be less boring, less repetitive, in which new and provisional rituals would be constantly

That would mean that it is Nathan's deception that should be punished, since he is the one who is assuming an identity that is not his in the first place.
And that Corey doesn't really exist. etc, etc. We won't get far and we will.

People who are mocked in the show are not the people who watch it. That's my main problem with it. I think Nathan may have genuine sympathy for the losers, outsiders, small-time businessmen that he presents on the show, but they are just that, and it's so easy for someone in front of his screen to become sarcastic and

Fame is bountiful. That's the American mentality for you. It doesn't matter why you would be famous.

I'm not 100% sure about Nathan mean-spiritedness. He's a hipster without the looks, but there's more to him than that.
I'm sure that most of his audience, as your comment is proof of, is 100% condescending towards the people on the show.

I'm reminded of this excerpt from Baudrillard's America when I watch his show.
for example, the man who got on the wrong plane and found himself
carted off Auckland, New Zealand, instead of Oakland, near San
Fransisco. This even made him the hero of the day… In this country,
it is not the highest virtue, nor

In theory it should be, but it wasn't the case at all. It's only you projecting your thoughts. Corey looks like a nice guy and Jasmine is either a very nice girl or a very competent actress with a knack to make people around her comfortable. I'm going to tentatively advance the word chemistry.

Sociopathy as comedy would be more accurate.
It's important nonetheless to remember that those unsuscpicious victims are happy either to appear on tv or to receive, I imagine, some monetary compensation.

Not really, he looks like a nice guy to me.

It's a possibility that he was a good husband and father during twenty years, and in fact, still take good care of his children.

Only persons are ashamed.

The Ridiculous 6 is mostly a bunch of guys laughing in a ridiculous manner.
That song was good.
As a consequence, one can say that it is a funny comedy.