Mina Bontempo

I really think there is some truth to it and that it shows that people are becoming dumber.

Same here.

Ok just a surgeon in general.

So what's his specialty again ?

What is the name of the oldest daughter again ?
I may have misremembered it by now.

Stacey is INDEPENDENT by now, that (meager) storyline is RIDICULOUS.
Don't we know Vik's specialty by now or he is just a doctor ?

Cynical Vik having become the responsible guy is surprising but kind of makes sense. Pouting Helen is becoming worse by the hour. Noah has again become the standard by which you deem what worst is. Which means probably you just don't give a shit about him (I had still some hopes, that's how paradoxical or contrarian I

When you thought it couldn't get any more stupid…
Don't wake me up in the morning when you leave…

I'm French, she's just a ridiculous cliché, which, I admit, rings true at times.

I would like to comment, solely to mock the show, as I did for the last two seasons, but its stupidity leaves at a loss for words, and dispirited.

Come on, people still believe the lie about the split-pespectives ? I thought it had become a running gag.

The beginning of the episode sounded right out of Camille Paglia. I won't comment any further.

His is the right take on the story, yours is a lot funnier but kind of unfair.

A lot of questionable things in the show in that episode, which makes it a little better than usual. Just see how the reviewer above is nonplussed (at least, she got to see the meta-aspects of it, but who didn't, kudos to the writers, who obviously read all what was written about the show and chose to toy a little

ok I was right and it was some kind of red herring.
Those shows are just too obvious for me.

oh yeah you must be right. Must have been distracted and got it the wrong way.

1) We don't give a damn about that cat. We got the idea.
2) When is Chandra going to give Stone her secret miraculous cure for eczema so that we can move on to more interesting things?
3) When are they going to look at that security footage in the gas station with the fishy guy?
4) The show is so slow and we are

Am I the only one who realizes that the show is not realistic and should not be considered as such? Russell and Gamby are immature? Now, that's obvious, couldn't we talk about more interesting things? Besides, Danny McBride's roles are time and again variations on the same quixotic character.

Why would all these people go to the wedding in the first place? I mean, some of them are not supposed to hate each other?
Why is Noah here? This is utterly ridiculous.

just a bit? That makes no sense!