Couldn’t get through the video. The instant he brought up white male privilege I was like “fuck it, I’m done, this is just as ignorant as his “gender wage gap” video” and turned it off.
Couldn’t get through the video. The instant he brought up white male privilege I was like “fuck it, I’m done, this is just as ignorant as his “gender wage gap” video” and turned it off.
As a Canadian, I just want to say I’m sorry - we have our fair share of idiots here, too. We’re working on that.
Your friend didn’t happen to work at hotel in Bayfield, Ontario, did they? Because if so, I think those guests and the ones I cleaned up after at a hotel there might be the same people.
You are a Prince/Princess among assholes.... I also used to clean hotel rooms, too. Good god, the things people did. So disgusting. And it was always the neat tidy people - the ones who made the bed and folded up the extra blankets - who left the tips. Never the ones who left used condoms all over the floor and wiped…
Yep - I also refuse to go to Moxie’s here in Vancouver because of that. Super high heels, super low cut shirts, tight clothing - all of it looks terribly uncomfortable - and drunkish louts masquerading as business men leering down their cleavage, and usually while holding a menu over their lap to hide their boner…
I’ve always thought the monogrammed bag said a lot about the owner: “I have lots of disposable income!”, “I don’t mind shilling for a company that is making a mint from what is likely $150 worth of materials!” and, “You should totally mug me - I carry $100 bills!”
I have some great hotel stories from the one I worked in, I second your request!
Definitely yes. And then binge watch it over and over. :D
Please tell me you no longer talk to this horrible woman. Who DOES that???
Yes. All of this. I was invited to a shower for a woman I see maybe a half dozen times a year. We’re friendly, but we’re not really friends. Still, I got an invite to the shower, but was not invited to the wedding (which was a destination wedding and guests were expected to stay the week and “hang out” with the…
Yeah, even I am guilty of anthropomorphizing my dogs - it’s so easy to see human intelligence and ways of thinking when you look at them. But then, Eve chews up $800 worth of rugs and I realise that she is, in fact, a dog - and one that I need to spend more time training so she knows what’s OK to chew and what’s not…
Neatly trimmed and shaved - I like it when my partners keep their pubic hair tidy, so I make I sure I do the same. That said, less than tidy pubic hair isn’t a deal breaker so long as everything is nice and clean down there.
I also used to be That Girl - and then I learned that being a bitch to and about other women didn’t make me cooler in the eyes of my guy friends - it gave them permission to be shitty to women too. And sure, there might have seemed to be an ego boost in those “compliments” they offered up, “She’s just not cool like…
I have a tattoo on my right ankle - it’s not that big, and it’s often covered, but I got some serious side-eye at an interview over it. The man interviewing me kept looking down at it (I was wearing a skirt) and the woman interviewing me didn’t seem to give a damn about it at all.
I can see where you’re coming from but I have a bit of a different perspective (and am female if that matters). Mr. Mimble was a virgin when we met in our late 20’s, and I was not. I’d had a few sexual partners of both sexes by then and was very comfortable with sex.
I was in a similar situation: ex and I had a home together and I can see now that things were never really very good between us (we both loved him a lot - turns out that’s a problem after all) and so he gave me a wordy type-written letter that I don’t remember except the cliche at the end, “I love you, but I’m not in…
What a shitstain this guy is.
I’m a fan of Tom’s of Maine mouthwash - natural oils and such, tastes great, and doesn’t leave me smelling like I drink Listerine because I’m too cheap to buy beer. Buy here.
I’m a fan of Tom’s of Maine mouthwash - natural oils and such, tastes great, and doesn’t leave me smelling like I…