
Great. Now do non-fiction.

I’ve added The Friends Of Eddie Coyle to my prime queue. Monument Ave is nowhere to be found unless I want to pay $50 for a DVD. WTF? 

That assumes Trump knows who any historical figures are tho.

The worst I can is she is not looking good in those “sexy” photos. I guess evil wears on a person after awhile. See you next Tuesday Skeletor.

You just know he was playing with his little wiener looking at the blonde.

Such a gem of a show. Can’t wait to see what’s up with that cloon. 

yay! I was hoping this would live up to its name.


I used to watch this show back in the day but passed on the last two seasons. I thought this one would be the perfect time to jump back in. But no. The jokes are stale and the humor is juvenile. It’s a pass. Don’t understand the Archer love anymore and I’ve been with this team since Frisky Dingo. 

I’m sorry but this is not what being “owned” sounds like. Just like the story yesterday about AOC chastising loser Maryland congressman John Delaney. None of these are “sick burns” as the kids say. 

The Aristocrats!

Now make her try to hit a wiffle ball!

Just commemorating the Nazi invasion of Poland duh. 

The best part is she thinks Trump actually gives a fuck about her little brown students. Dear Mr. President indeed. 

This show just kept getting progressively better so of course NBC would cancel it.

My wife and I will do sporadic rewatches every one in awhile- just drop into an episode in the middle of any season in no particular order and still be amazed how perfectly crafted this show was. I think I need a legit season 1 to season 3 rewatch before this. HBO is running all seasons back to back starting today at

If you’re a Molly Parker fan I hope you’ve seen Center of the World (with the equally sexy Carla Gugino). Besides the babes it’s a great movie. 

Methinks he doesn’t understand his own statement.

Marry me.

I have seen and loved everything I have seen from Bong Joon-ho and I cannot wait to be surprised again.