
It’s good to know the world’s oldest profession is keeping up with the times. 

Never even knew this was happening. Show’s how many shows I watch on ABC. I’m guessing none.

I’ll never understand this...oh wait. Money.

I’m so glad I’m not alone. I refuse to wake up to a mess no matter how drunk I am!

Best part about that Tweet: Rex says I wasn’t prepared for Putie but Putie loved me- just ask him!

Not sure about that. Streaming rights are usually in about a year and TDKR came out in 2012. It’s also not on HBO’s platforms so I think it’s something else but I’m not sure what.

Replace Constance Wu with her in Fresh Off the Boat and everyone’s problems will be solved. 

I really love the opening. I guess I’ll have to get it from my library if I ever want to see it again. 

Does anyone have the answer why only the first two films of the Dark Knight Trilogy routinely appear on streaming but The Dark Knight Rises never appears on streaming? I know it’s not the best of the trilogy but I think it demands a rewatch yet it never shows up on the streaming platforms. Very strange. 

Shit. I didn’t realize Cronenberg was the director. I’m definitely checking this out.

Is Cosmopolis worth seeing? It’s just sitting in my queue. 

Not her home. Read the article.

Geez. I didn’t realize you don’t get paid while you’re just sitting there during a delay. That sucks.

Hey now...we’re not all rubes in Wisconsin.

I voted for Hillary because...well look around, but she never came to Wisconsin. Obviously Americans are stupid so maybe if she had made an effort she could have won this state and we wouldn’t be in this mess.

The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.

Coming soon to your 2020 election news cycle!

Make up your mind Trump! Tell me which brown people I should be afraid of! I can only focus on one.

And...Trump wins! I feel it will better this time knowing it ahead of time. This way I can prevent that ugly fucking drunk 2am realization that Trump won and the sad hangover the next day. I’m learning thanks to Joe!

Milwaukeean here living in the hipster enclave of Bay View where everyone shops at the food co-op, orders lattes, and loves abortions. On the end of our block is some fuckwit with a Trump flag waving in his front yard.