
When did Chris Parnell turn into Ben Mendelsohn?

Ugh…it's time to retire this. The writers are over it and so am I.

Even the best of these shows (DD) could do with a shorter run. JJ had so much boring filler episodes I didn't even try LC. It's very doubtful this is going to keep me entertained.

That movie was nearly flawless.

Wrong. I got the impression Eugene is playing the long con. Him and Dwight on the balcony is setting up a team-up. IMO.

Just finished this in two days and loved it. The reviewer is a harsh judge.

Did you watch that press conference or did you just come here to convince yourself this isn't a garbage fire of incompetence?

You mean the guy from the Jewish media outlet that got the "Quiet. Quiet. Quiet." as Trump went on to say he's the most best anti-semitic person that Jewish reporter ever met. Fucking nuts.

Yes. So plain spoken and coherent. Not contradicting himself at every opportunity. Your grandma would make a better president.

You know as awful as that "discussion" with the black reporter above is…I really wish she would have called him out with a "What? I should set up a meeting with the CBC because I'm black?" I mean these reporters just ask their questions and then sit back and let him shit all over them. This man is not normal people.

I watch FOX to see how they report on this shit and even the anchors and reporters were like "What the fuck was that?"

What an incoherent babbling mess of words. He's just like a big fucking baby who always has to be right. Seriously how anyone who voted for him can watch this and be like "yeah…that was a good showing" has to be in so much denial their brains will explode (if they had any to begin with).

Yes please.

I'll tune in again.

Maybe…but that musical with Kate McKinnon doing her Kellyanne Conway last week was pretty good.

I have never had any desire to see this movie. It seems every year there's one flick that the studios push down everyone's throat. I'm so glad I have a wife that doesn't buy into this bullshit and makes me go and see this.



That Scream Queens clip makes this show look kinda good. Am I wrong?

Oh…I Know!