
You should really watch the show. I was a big Harris fan until he went off the rails (and hasn't written anything since) but the series is just hypnotic and so well done. It's incredible it was ever on network television.

I would check it out if you like surrealistic humor. The first episode is a little over the top but the series as a whole is pretty damn entertaining. IMO.

My dumb aunt is going to be so disappointed.

Michael Shannon just moved this way up the list for me.

So 1629 comments (so far) about how they never watch this show anymore? WTF?

As someone who saw Stop Making Sense in the theaters (I'm old) this was just not that great. I guess I'm just not a big fan of musical parodies. I get it…it's an homage but it felt like they were making a joke that wasn't funny.

I'd be happy with an entire episode about Whiteface too.

45 seconds

To be fair… we never saw the rape. Maybe something else was happening behind that barn door?

Well that's two for two for terrible episodes of New Girl so far.

Sheesh…just enjoy it for its simplicity. I get it. Familiarity breeds contempt but this is just an inoffensive sitcom. Try Two Broke Girls if you're looking for bland entertainment on a whole different level.

This was a great little flick. Bonus points for featuring a young Kether Donohue from You're the Worst.

On DirecTV the show started at 7 but was in mid sentence. So I turned it off. Nice job!

Not being a mom and hating children in general this did nothing for me.

Who really gives a shit?

Nope. Pass. Who would take a child to see this?

OK…this is the episode I quit. Too much happenstance, dumb luck, and stupidity. Don't even get me started on the Marshall…

It's a solid C for me but I'll keep watching. The Terror looked cool though.

No 30 for 30: OJ-Made in America? Strange.

It's great until the montage of madness then it just devolves into incomprehension but reading comments here I guess that was intentional.