

OK here's the situation. I watched the first season and found it OK. Not amazing although some parts of it were pretty incredible. I never read the comic (never was a big Ennis fan). I started to watch this season's premier and paused half-way through. I felt the car chase/shootout was overly-stylized bullshit. I want

Ha! I am just the opposite. Wurster's schtick doesn't do it for me. Honk. Honk.

Bullshit artist!

I love this show but what really happened this season? Henry got accepted to boarding school? Paige learns to fight and gives up Christianity? Some new wheat is created? Philip's son tracks him down just to go back to Russia?

I think it was a brand spokesman for a vodka company.

I've never found him or his character to be that endearing.

My 2-cents:

Sorry all you commenters are such sour-pusses. I am really digging this show and Andrea Martin hasn't been this great since SCTV. I'm super pleased NBC has ordered another season.


Making History was actually pretty funny. It never took itself seriously and had a quick, offbeat sense of humor. I knew FOX would cancel it.

I keep watching it and every episode my wife and I are like "Here come the hijinx." but not in a funny way. I honestly don't know why we keep watching it.

I checked this out last night and I will be checking back in in the future. Just like I did with Superstore and Trial & Error and and I'm glad I did. NBC is picking up some nice comedies lately.

The re-election is going to be brutal on our brains.

I don't get the Michaela love. She's a pouty little brat with a chip on her shoulder. 25 is young but not that young. She spent her entire time on that challenge trying to look cool on the bench and missed her chance and at advantage. The Germans must have a word for this.

Geez reviewer…do you take joy in anything anymore?

Fuck. I hope my DVR was smart enough to grab this. I am loving this show.

Somehow I missed the AVC was reviewing this show. It's such a gem. I hope they can keep it going.

Stanley Tucci is a fat suit is still in better shape than me.